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Kanai’s Cube

1 byte added, 02:55, 8 August 2015
Convert Crafting Materials
===Convert Crafting Materials===
[[File:Kanai-cube-ghost.jpg|thumb|400px|Kanai's ghost assists with the Cube.]]
This recipe lets players convert 100 of any type of crafting material (white, blue, or yellow, but not Death's Breath or Forgotten Souls) into 100 of white/blue/yellow material. This is helpful to offset imbalances in material quantity, such as a player who has many more Veiled Crystals (yellow) and wants to convert them into blue or white materials for crafting purposes.
:{{c_orange|''"He called the nine together, and declared that the cube must be put away, hidden even from them. Perhaps from them most of all. Seven of the nine concurred, and so the cube was taken under cover of darkness, entrusted....""}}''<br>
:{{c_orange|--''fragment of the Dark Exile Scrolls.''}}
===Portal: Not the Cow Level===