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Diablo 3 Screenshots

4 bytes added, 09:29, 17 September 2010
no edit summary
[ Diablo 3 Jigsaws] -- Huge images compiled from dozens of screenshots, showing map-like sweeps of the game area. (These are very difficult to create in Diablo 3 since the 3D perspective magnifies images near the center of the screen.)
* [ Diablo 2 Jigsaws] -- Jigsaw images worked wonderfully in Diablo 2, giving overhead views of huge dungeon areas.
==Diablo 3 Gameplay Movies==
[ Artisan Movie] -- The [[Artisans]] make their debut in this film, narrated by Game Director [[Jay Wilson]]. This movie is more an informative presentation than an action-fest, and the information presented in it is completely integrated into this wiki.
* [ View this one] on YouTube.
==Diablo 3 Cinematic Movies==