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Arcane Power

921 bytes added, 07:38, 26 November 2010
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<blue>The Wizard—we’re still having a debate about whether her resource should scale or not. Right now, Arcane Power does not scale, and that’s the big difference between the Wizard’s resource and the Witch Doctor‘s mana; the Wizard’s resource does not scale up over time. Otherwise they’re very similar. If we change that about mana the Wizard might just go to mana and we’d change the Witch Doctor’s to something new.</blue>
===Arcane Power Skills and Traits===
Several [[Wizard skills]] and [[Wizard traits]] are devoted to boosting Arcane Power. Keep in mind that this resource remains under construction, and as of Blizzcon 2010 word is that the Wizard may yet switch back to mana. []
* Restored by:
** Regeneration over time (may be boosted by skills/traits).
* Spent by:
** Casting spells.
* Arcane Power Related Skills:
** [[Energy Shield]] -- A % of damage is taken from Arcane Power instead of health.
* Arcane Power Related Traits:
** [[Arcane Channeling]] -- Increases the rate of AP regeneration.
** [[Energy Reserves]] -- [[Health globes]] refill 10% of the AP pool.
** [[Drain Power]] -- Regenerate health and Arcane power equal to 10% of melee damage you deal.
** [[Expanded Mind]] -- Increases Arcane Power pool. (Under construction.)