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Fanmade:Desert Cyclops

6 bytes added, 20:59, 20 November 2009
Spells and Abilities
* '''Burning Ray'''
They use it from a big distance. The ray ignites your character's body and burns him slowly, causing a lot of damage.
* '''Bone Weapon Attack'''
Different swings and stabs with the bone weapon.
* '''Charge'''
Like the paladin, the Cyclops charges at you with his weapon.
* '''Horn Attack'''
The Desert Cyclops bends and attacks with his horns by charging at you.
* '''Sand Dive'''
When there is sand below their feet, the Cyclopes dive into it and appear next to their victim when they reach it. Their movement in the sand can be noticed if looking carefully.
* '''Smoke Veil'''
The Cyclops throws a gas potion that creates a smoke veil. After that he can dive in the sand and hide until he restores his health.
* '''Stone Skin'''