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Wizard skills

36 bytes removed, 10:40, 13 October 2008
Tier II (5 points req.)
*'''Rank:''' 0/15
==Tier II (5 points req.requirement)==
[[Image:Skill_wizard_disintegrate.jpg|leftright|thumb|150px|Molten Trickery]]Official Skill Description: (Rank 0/1) ''Eminate a beam of pure energy dealing 10 arcane damage per second. Damage is modified by 80% each time the beam passes through the target. Critical hits from arcane damage silence targets for 4 secs.''*'''Rank:''' 0/1*'''Mana cosst:''' 12 per sec.
'''''Note:''''' A laser beam of molten pwnage, Disintegrate would be at its full effect when taking down line formations of enemies. It'll cut through targets without mercy; however, each target will decrease the rest of the beam's damage by 80%, allowing the beam to reach through a total of five creatures before its damage is fully mitigated.
Damage ticks every second of use, and critical strikes (as with any Arcane Spell) will silence the target for 4 seconds. In the screenshot to the left, you can see an example of Disintegrate being used to take down the structural bearings of a wall, crushing the unfortunate skeletons in its path.
Mana cosst: 12 per sec.
===Wave of Force===
[[Image:Skill_wizard_waveofforce.jpg|leftright|thumb|150px|Wave of Force]]Official Skill Description: (Rank 0/1) ''Project a wave of force outwards, repelling enemies and projectiles and dealing 1-8 damage.''*'''Rank:''' 0/1*'''Mana cost:''' 25
Mana cost'''''Note: 25. ''''' Wave of Force is seen two times in the Wizard Trailer released at the same time as Blizzcon 2008. The first is used in a room of skeletons -- it does little damage to the skeletons, but blasts all the destructibles in the room to glorious pieces. In the second example, the Wizard uses it while slowing down time, waiting for a group of skeletons' projectiles to come close, and then reflecting them back toward them.
It's hard to know how many scenarios in a fast-paced game like this where you could really benefit from using Slow Time and then Wave of Force to repel projectiles -- Out of the 8 projectiles in the above screenshot, only one or two actually came back to strike their targets. It will be interesting to see what practical uses there are for this spell as more gameplay videos unfold.
===Arcane Armor===
Official Skill Description: (Rank 0/15) ''While your Storm Armor, Stone Armor, Stone Skin or Temporal Armor spells are active, your armor is increased by 20%.''*'''Rank:''' 0/15
===Arcane Weakness===
Official Skill Description: (Rank 0/15) ''Enemies damaged by your arcane spells are affected with arcane weakness, increasing damage taken by 10% for 5 sec.''*'''Rank:''' 0/15
===Arcane Speed===
Official Skill Description: (Rank 0/15) ''Reduces the cooldown of all arcane spells by 5%.''*'''Rank:''' 0/15
==Tier III (10 points req.)==