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1,530 bytes added, 11:03, 17 December 2009
Casting a spell or skill from the 1234 buttons works just like casting it from the mouse button. You could, in theory, play entirely with the 1234 keys, only using the mouse to target. Generally, players put support skills on the 1234 buttons. Summoning spells, buffs, debuffs, and so forth. Direct attack skills can be mapped there as well; it just takes some practice to get used to casting these with keyboard buttons, instead of (in addition to) the mouse buttons.
There are ===Auras?=== It was long assumed that there would be no skills [[Auras]] in D3 (yet revealed) that work simply by being active on the RMBDiablo 3, and as the a side point, it wasn't clear how they would be controlled. Auras in Diablo 2 came from {{iw|Paladin Paladin}}skills (and were also granted by some items) and worked as buffs that were active as long as the aura was active on the RMB skill option. Players could cycle between multiple auras; there were 20 in two skill trees; but could only have one active at a time, and Auras weren's Auras did in Diablo 2t "cast," they were simply active as long as they were on the RMB. It would seem that such skills won This control mechanism didn't be supported seem suited to function in Diablo 3, since with just there were only 2 skills to cycle through between on the RMB, and surely any character with auras would have too many of them to be content just using two over the whole control system conspires against course of the game. The presumption that game mechanicthere wouldn't be auras was shaken by [[Jay Wilson]] during an October 2009 interview: [] ::''Diii. net: We saw 8 Monk skills at BlizzCon (True, many Paladins all detailed in D2 keep Diablo Wiki). All were melee offensive or defensive. Can you give us some idea of what other skills the [[Monk]] will have at his disposal? ::Jay Wilson: Most of the same aura active all Monk’s skills will focus on combat skills and attacks, along with his various escape skills. And we talked at Blizzcon that we’re likely to put some defensive and supportive abilities on him. Possibly Auras. We’ve not done the timenext round of skills on him yet so we’re not exactly sure.  ::'' Really? That’s handy, but since I was also going to ask if he’d have any co-op or party-boosting skills. ::Jay Wilson: We definitely want to do that with one class. Whether or not it's the effort Monk hasn’t yet been decided. The Monk does seem to be the D3 team logical choice. The only reason we might not do with him is putting into adding variety and strategy to gameplay, that he’s too logical.  From this it seems unlikely certain that we'll see auras on at least one of the characters in Diablo 3; most likely the [[Monk]]. The question then becomes how will they would repeat that control system when only two auras could be conveniently cycled betweencontrolled, since the D2 method seems incompatible with the limited RMB hotkeys allowed by Diablo 3.) 
===Controlling the Skills===