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Guild:Holy Knights of Westmarch

3 bytes removed, 19:28, 8 February 2010
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Those who hold other ranks, Squires, Warriors, Knights, and Seraphim, are all full members, with equal standing. Promotions are based on cumulative contributions to the guild, and are awarded as ceremonial recognitions of excellence.<br>
Five Seraphim serve as Commanders and one serves as Captain, and together the Commanders and Captain make up the voting members of the High Council. The Council is vested with final authority over all matters, but frequently confers with members, both individually and cumulativelycollectively, for input. Vacancies on the Council are infrequent, and replacements are considered very carefully, so that the Council is always made up of the most committed and responsible Knights.<br>
The additional ranks of Court Magus and Chancellor are unique to their current incumbents, and are not part of the ordinary system of ranks. The Court Magus is an advisory member of the Council, although in practice advice is welcomed from a variety of sources.<br>
===Notable Companions===