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Burning Hells

1,644 bytes added, 21:59, 11 November 2013
i suppose it is not much of a stub anymore :)
:''Were you looking for [[Hell difficulty]]?''
The '''[[Burning Hells]]''',or just '''Hell''' is the home of all [[demon]]s, and the eternal foe of [[High_Heavens|the High Heavens]]. The inhabitants of Hell are lead by the [[Great Evils]], seven immensely powerful demons, who have serious problems cooperating.
==BackgroundHistory of the Great Evils from Sanctuary Onward==No one actually knows how Hell came to be, but it The [[Burning Hells]] have been around since the dawn of time in the diablo universe. It has been in existence for far longer than [[Sanctuary]]for sure. The [[Great Conflict]] between the [[High Heavens]] and the [[Burning Hells]] had been raging for countless millennia before Sanctuary was created, with both sides being equal... at least, until sanctuary's creation.
Of the The [[Great Evils]] there are split into the [[Lesser Evils]] and the [[Prime Evils]]. The "Lesser" Primes are still formidable entitiesthe most powerful demons in creation, but generally controlled by matching the power of the [[Angiris Council]]. They are [[Diablo]], [[Mephisto]], and [[Baal]]. The Lessers are superior to all demons except the [[Prime Evils through cunning and sheer force in a lethally evil combination]]
'''[[Prime Evils]]'''
''Sometimes attributed as a Lesser Evil is [[Lilith]].''
However, it so happened that there were some demons and some [[angel]]s that grew weary of the conflict, and wanted to separate themselves from it. The angel [[Inarius]] and the powerful demoness [[Lilith]] were the first of a small group to become lovers over the borders of Heaven and Hell. They created [[Sanctuary]] as their home, and although created in a vastly different way than [[human]]s procreate, had offspring they called [[nephalem]].[[Inarius]] used the [[worldstone]] to conceal sanctuary from the eyes of other demons and angels. Fearing the power of the [[nephalem]], he banished Lilith and used the worldstone to tune down the nephalem's power. [[Inarius]] waged an underground war with mephisto's son for control humanity for a while, until the [[nephalem]] somehow gained power and destroyed both factions.
The nephalem became immensely powerful from this union of angel and demon, and the main forces of Heaven and Hell noticed Sanctuary. Demons and angels alike were afraid to let this new faction grow aware and strong, and wanted to destroy it. The [[Angiris Council]] with [[Tyrael]] in the lead were prepared to do just this.
The main forces of Heaven and Hell noticed Sanctuary during the defeat of [[Inarius]]. Demons and angels alike were afraid to let this new power grow aware and strong, and wanted to destroy it. The [[Angiris Council]] with [[Tyrael]] in the lead were prepared to do just this.
The nephalem however, proved to be individual and of free will, so in the end, Sanctuary was spared by both races. The artefact known as the [[Worldstone]] was set to dampen the energy of the nephalem, and eventually it turned most of them to forget their former power, becoming what we call humans today.
===The Sin War===
As soon as [[Sanctuary]] was revealed, some of the battle between [[Light]] and [[Darkness]] took place on human soil. This conflict was to be called the [[Sin War]].
The [[Prime Evils]] noticed that while on the [[mortal realm]], they were cut off from their source of power deep in the [[Burning Hells]]. However, the energy from mortal souls was easily harnessed and could be used in all realms. The almost exact power balance of [[High Heavens|Heaven]] and Hell could thus be overcome by taking control of Sanctuary.
An all-out invasion would do no good, however, since the [[Heavenly Host]] would just come down to meet them, and the world would be destroyed.
Instead, the then already corrupted angel [[Izual]] told the Three of angelic [[Soulstone]]s that could be used to channel power from Hell directly. With this force, any battles on the mortal realms would easily be dealt with. They needed to lure the angels to use the Soulstones against them without letting the ruse become obvious.
The [[nephalem]] however, proved to be individual and of free will, so in the end, Sanctuary was spared by both races, but only by the aid of [[Tyrael]]s vote on the angel's side. The [[Worldstone]] was once again set to dampen the energy of the [[nephalem]], and they were forgotten with the aid of a mass mind wipe. Evil did not openly act on sanctuary for many more years. This period was known as the [[Sin War]].
===The Dark Exile===
With minute careful planning, they the [[Prime Evils]] manipulated the [[Lesser Evils]] of [[Azmodan]] and [[Belial]] to revolt against the [[Three]], exiling them on to Sanctuary in a much weakened Spirit form. The angels saw this and assumed While there, the new rulers of Hell would imminently attack the gates of Heaven, so they withdrew their support from Sanctuary, feeling that if [[prime evils]] ravaged the human race survived they might be worthy allies after allkingdoms.
===Capturing the Three===
The rampage by the [[Prime Evils]] made the disperse [[mage clan]]s of the humans unite as a group they called the [[Horadrim]], a group of the most powerful [[sorcerer]]s the human race had ever seen. The [[Archangel]] [[Tyrael]] contacted them and gave them [[Soulstone]]s to capture the Prime Evils with.
However, the angels also became greedy, and could not resist the chance of capturing the weakened [[Prime Evils]].
Led by [[Tal Rasha]] and [[Jered Cain]], the Horadrim found [[Mephisto]] in the [[Kehjistan]] jungles, and managed to capture him within the Soulstone meant for him. He was buried under the [[Temple of Light]] in what would become [[Kurast]] and guarded by a large section of the magi brotherhood.
The Three had not heeded Izual's warnings of being weakened on the [[mortal realm]], and found themselves shut off from their source of power, draining themselves to just stay alive. They found that this did not happen when possessing a [[human]] body, they retained their power and also managed to accumulate more from other mortal's souls, up to a point of what their host body could hold. Strong minds and bodies were better vessels, but also harder to possess.
[[Baal]] was found and defeated in the [[Aranoch]] desert, not too far from [[Lut Gholein]]. However, the [[The Seven Lords of Hell|demon lord]] managed to shatter the Soulstone, and an improvised prison was used for Baal. Tal Rashas very soul would help contain the demon, chained to a [[Binding Stone]] in the [[Tomb of Tal Rasha]], located in the [[Canyon of the Magi]].
With this new knowledge, the Three ravaged the human kingdoms, gathering and using power wildly.
Jered Cain led the remaining Horarim to the West, and caught up with [[Diablo]] near the river [[Talsande]], who managed to escape from the east. They fought a bitter and hard battle, with heavy losses, but managed to subdue the lord of terror. He was imprisoned in his Soulstone and buried in caves nearby, whereupon the [[Tristram Cathedral]] was built.
===Capturing the Three===
The rampage by the [[Prime Evils]] made the disperse [[mage clan]]s of the humans unite as a group they called the [[Horadrim]], a group of the most powerful [[sorcerer]]s the human race had ever seen. The [[Archangel]] [[Tyrael]] contacted them and gave them [[Soulstone]]s to capture the Prime Evils with.
They slowly corrupted the soulstones and the areas around him with effects that are later mentioned.
Led by ===Return of the Three===Some centuries later, after the taskless [[InitiateHoradrim]]s brotherhood had all but disappeared, [[Tal RashaMephisto]] and [[Jered Cain]], managed to reach out to the Horadrim found local [[MephistoZakarum]] priesthood in the now sprawling city of [[KehjistanKurast]] jungles, and managed draw them to capture him within the Soulstone meant for him. He was buried under corrupted the [[Temple of Light]] in what would become [[Kurast]] council and guarded by a large section of brought the magi brotherhoodlands under his power.
Whether or not Lord [[BaalLeoric]] was found and defeated in , a very well known pious man, came from these expeditions or not is unknown. Regardless, he brought with him the Zakarum religion to [[AranochKhanduras]] desertfrom the East, not too far from and made himself King with his seat of power in [[Lut GholeinTristram]]. However, the very same location [[Demon LordDiablo]] managed was still imprisoned. Diablo tried to shatter the Soulstone, and an improvised prison was used for Baalcorrupt [[Leoric]]. Tal Rashas very soul would help contain the demonThe attempt failed, chained to a but broke [[Binding StoneLeoric]] in the 's mind. His Archbishop and advisor [[Tomb of Tal RashaLazarus]]was susceptible, located in the and was corrupted by Diablo. [[Lazarus]] gave him Leoric's only son [[Canyon of the MagiAlbrecht]]as a host to possess.
Jered Cain led Diablo's power was wreaking havoc upon [[Tristram]], and although the remaining Horarim to mad King Leoric eventually was killed by his trusted commander [[Lachdanan]], the Westworries did not end. The [[Tristram Cathedral|Cathedral]] was still spewing out evil beasts, and caught up with after his death [[DiabloLeoric]] near returned as the river skeleton king and corrupted all his former knights but[[TalsandeLachdanan]]. They fought a bitter and hard battle, with heavy losses, but who managed to subdue escape his wrath.In the red terror. He was imprisoned in his Soulstone and buried in caves nearby, whereupon first diablo game [[Tristram Cathedral|a Horadric monasteryLachdanan]] was built, can be found in a side quest in the deepest areas of the labyrinth.
Neither of Many adventurers traveled down in the labyrinths beneath the Three Demon Lords had anticipated not only Cathedral in search for fame and fortune, but all died, fled, or went mad. One day came an unknown man (later confirmed to be defeated[[Leoric]]'s son, but be unable [[Aidan]] did manage to reach the deepest parts of the labyrinth and find [[Diablo]] in a section that had already begun to escapecorrupt into a likeness of Hell. The [[Aidan]] slew diablo and shoved his soulstone into his own head.
===Return of the Three===However, some centuries later, after the taskless [[HoradrimAidan]] brotherhood had all but disappearedtried to contain the demon within himself, [[Mephisto]] managed to reach out bring it to the local Eastern [[Zakarummage clans]] priesthood in the now sprawling city of [[Kurast]] and draw them to himfor a final defeat. He corrupted the priesthoodHowever, and sent emissaries of Zakarum out into the world while he built his power.  Whether or could not Lord [[Leoric]], a very well known pious man, came from these expeditions or not, he brought with him resist the Zakarum religion to [[Khanduras]] from the East, and made himself King with his seat overwhelming influence of power in [[Tristram]], the very same location [[Diablo]] was still imprisoned. Diablo tried to corrupt Leoric but failed, making the King mad in the progress. However, his Archbishop and advisor [[Lazarus]] was susceptible, diablo and was made to free became the Prime Evil, giving him Leoric's only son [[Albrecht]] as a host to possess.  Terror started reigning again, and although the mad King Leoric eventually was killed by his trusted commander [[Lachdanan]], the worries did not end. The [[Tristram Cathedral|CathedralDark Wanderer]] was still spewing out evil beasts.
===The Dark Wanderer===
Some time after the release of [[Diablo]] and his travels to the East in the guise of the [[Dark Wanderer]], Diablo and/or [[Mephisto]] regained some control of Hell again, as the [[Lesser Evils]] of [[Andariel]] and [[Duriel]] once again stood by the [[Prime Evils]]. They were told to guard the locations they were assigned to, likely to delay the hero.
Many adventurers tried to travel down in the labyrinths beneath the Cathedral in search for fame and fortune, but all died or fled. One day came an unknown man, who did manage to reach the deepest parts of the labyrinth and find [[Diablo]] in a section that had already begun to corrupt into a likeness of Hell. A frightful battle took place, and the hero was successful.
The Dark Wanderer did indeed turn East, but at this point was corrupted beyond saving as Diablo. Before leaving tristram, it appears that he was with the witch [[Adria]] long enough to birth a daughter, [[Leah]], who was important in the future for Diablo to return. The demonic decoys slowed down the heroes, and with the help of his companion [[Marius]], the Dark Wanderer managed to free [[Baal]] from his prison in the [[Tomb of Tal Rasha]] despite [[Tyrael]] physically intervening. Tyrael assigned Marius the task of destroying the soulstone, the result of which will be explained later.
He tried to contain the demon within himself, to bring it to the Eastern [[mage clans]] for a final defeat, but in the end he succumbed to the powerful force of Diablo and became the [[Dark Wanderer]].
The heroes arrived too late to stop the freeing of Baal, but managed to free Tyrael, which was bound to the [[Binding Stone]] in place of Baal.
===The Dark WandererDiablo Returns To Hell===Some time after the release of [[Diablo]] and his travels to the East in the guise of the [[Dark Wanderer]], Diablo and/or [[Mephisto]] regained some control of Hell again, as the [[Lesser Evils]] of [[Andariel]] and [[Belial]] once again stood by the [[Prime Evils]]. Possibly as punishment, they were just placed as guards against the passage East, to delay the human heroes from capturing Diablo. Exactly what went on here is not known. 
The Dark Wanderer did indeed turn East, but Despite attempts to free his brothersstop it, not defeat Diablo. The demonic decoys did indeed slow down the heroes, and portal to hell was opened with the help aid of his companion [[MariusMephisto]], the Dark Wanderer managed to free and Diablo went through. [[BaalMephisto]] from guarded the portal but was slain by the heros, who went through the portal after Diablo. After opening the 5 seals, the heros defeated Diablo on his prison own turf. It is unclear if that was part of his plan to become the prime evil, although it is unlikely a demon would plan to be killed twice in the [[Tomb of Tal Rasha]] despite [[Tyrael]] physically interveningunder a decade. He was not seen again for 20 years.
===The Worldstone Corrupted===
The heroes arrived too lateWhile the heros were distracted hunting diablo, [[Baal]] took advantage of this opportunity and amassed a huge army to defeat the barbarian kingdoms. With the aid of {{iw|Nihlathak Nihlathak}}, but he bypassed the {{iw|Ancient Ancients}} and managed to free corrupt the worldstone before the heros defeated him. Tyraelhad to destroy it, which was bound to or the [[Binding Stone]] in place tides of hell would flood into sanctuary. Known activity of Baalhell stops here for 20 years.
===Belial and Azmodan Invade Sanctuary===
More It is unknown when their activities actually started, but 20 years after the defeat of Baal the [[Nephalem]], who just recently discovered their powers, were informed by a mortal [[Tyrael]] the evils once again walked the world. They also met Decard Cain and Leah. Unfortuinately, Cain was slain by a servant of [[Belial]] named [[Maghda]]. They traveled to comeCaldeum, where [[Belial]] had already taken over the guard and the palace, as well as the form of the emperor. [[Maghda]] was slain by the [[Nephalem]]. In time, the [[nephalem]] discovered Belial's identity and slew him in the palace.Right before his death, the [[Nephalem]] retrieved the [[Black Soulstone]] with the aid of leah's mother [[Adria]], and [[Belial]]'s soul was absorbed into the stone, along with every other evil but [[Azmodan]].It appears the others were marked before death.
===The Prime Evil===
When azmodan was defeated, [[Adria]] betrayed the [[Nephalem]] and used the [[Black Soulstone]]'s power to turn [[Leah]] into the [[Prime Evil]]. However, he was defeated while he was in the process of permanently defeating Heavan, by the [[Nephalem]].
Since the [[Prime Evil]]'s fall, no other activity by any of the evils has been recorded.
==Known Hell Locations==
* [[Hellforge]] - Where the most powerful of demonic weapons are forged, and the one place that can destroy [[Soulstone]]s.
* {{iw|Chaos_Sanctuary Chaos Sanctuary}} - The place where [[Burning PitsDiablo]] was defeated in [[Diablo 2]].* {{iw|Plains_of_Despair Plains of Despair}} - Realm of [[Rakanoth]] An area within Hell.* {{iw|City_of_the_Damned City of the Damned}}* [[Realm of Terror]] - Diablo's Realm.
===Likely Hell Locations===
* The [[Abyss]] - Where [[demon]]s spawn. Not necessarily part of the Burning Hells.
  {{stub|itneeds to be double checked on the lore, and sources added* Levels 13-16 in [[Diablo 1]]. Pictures needed as well}}
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