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445 bytes added, 13:17, 15 September 2010
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==Introduction==Armor in Diablo III is similar to greatly-enhanced and improved on what was found in Diablo II. There are more types of armor, with a few more types added varieties of each kind of armor, and much more variety in character appearanceimproved graphical representations of armor. For information on [[AmuletsArmor dyes]], [[crafting]] and , [[Ringssocketing]], visit the [ Jewelry[enchanting]] section, and many other features have also been added to extend the armor finding game
==Armor Types==
As seen on the [[InventoryFile:Blacksmith-armor1.jpg|frame|Various pieces of armor, by a master [[blacksmith]] screen.There are more types of armor to be worn in Diablo III. All the item slots return from Diablo II, characters can equip plus several new ones; shoulders, pants, and bracers. Click the following types links to learn more about each type of armor, including two newcomers: Shoulders and Leggings:. Full listings of all the items in the game will be added once the information becomes available.
* [[Helms]]
* [[Body Armor]]
* [[Shields]]* [[Shoulders|Shoulder Armor]]* [[Bracers]]
* [[Gloves]]
* [[Belts]]
* [[LeggingsPants]]
* [[Boots]]
* [[Rings]]
* [[Amulets]]