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1,567 bytes added, 01:26, 10 November 2010
Individual Armor Appearance
==Individual Armor Appearance==
There are eighteen The same piece of Armor in Diablo III will look very different basic armor looks for each characterdepending on which class is wearing it. Armors will This was also true in Diablo II, in most cases, but the designs have similar namesbeen made radically more varied in Diablo III.  Another change is that there are no normal/exceptional/elite item types in Diablo III. In Diablo II the same piece of equipment existed in two different types, like leather with a third (elite) added in the expansion. This meant that characters could find elite armorin Hell difficulty, chain and armor that looked like cloth would have far more defense than the normal or exceptional version of full plate mail. The Diablo III team didn't like this, plate mailand now there are 18 levels of armor to be found, etcstretching throughout all three difficulty levels. When equipped, Each of these items will look very levels looks quite a bit different for each characterfrom the others. Though there's alot of variety, as has been the case in previous games in the seriesthere are consistent appearance themes. []
::The Witchdoctor’s thematic palette is proving to be very broad. He can wear a lot of cool armor and still look like a Witchdoctor.
===Gear Sets===
[[Gear sets]] are the term the [[D3 Team]] uses for the 18 different armor sets. These items look very different on each class, and Blizzard showed off six of them prior to Blizzcon 2010. They did not identify the precise number of any of the gear sets, or let us known if any of the classes were wearing the same sets, but they did say that these were all fairly low level sets, somewhere around 4-7, in the 1-18 scale from light cloth to the heaviest plate mail.
| [[File:Gear-set-barb-mf.jpg|thumb|250px|Two Barbarian gear sets.]]
| [[File:Gear-set-wiz-mf.jpg|thumb|250px|Two Wizard gear sets.]]
| [[File:Gear-set-wd-mf.jpg|thumb|250px|Two Witch Doctor gear sets.]]
Above are the six gear sets Blizzard showed off pre-Blizzcon 2010. See the [[Gear Sets]] page for many more examples. This wiki will display detailed looks at all 18 gear sets for all five classes once the information is available.
==Armor Ratings and Stats==