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Arcane Power

1,157 bytes added, 06:02, 26 November 2010
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'''Arcane Power''' is the [[resource]] used by for the [[Wizard]] for casting [[Wizard Skills|her spells]]. It was revealed as the replacement for [[Instability]] by [[Jay Wilson]] at GamesCom, in August, 2010. []
As of Blizzcon (November 2010) the developers were still not entirely set on Arcane Power, and were still considering a change back to [[mana]]. []
See the [[Instability]] page for much more information about that resource, and information about why Diablo III Wizards do not use mana.
[[File:Arcane-power2.jpg|frame|Arcane Power]]
The Wizard's Arcane Power resource works like a very fast-filling mana globe, that can not be increased in amount. Her amount of AP is set, and skills and items only serve to make the globe refill more quickly. This should allow the Wizard to cast low level spells without pause, while higher level spells will drain the globe more quickly, and thus have to be used more sparingly.
The main difference between Arcane Power and Mana is that the pool for Arcane Power does not increase. It's always just 100, and the relevant [[Wizard skills]] and [[Wizard traits]] make for faster regeneration or lower cost per skill, rather than increasing the total pool. This may be its undoing, as the developers aren't entirely happy with how the resource functions, and as of October 2010 they were still considering dumping it and returning the Wizard to mana. []
<blue>The Wizard—we’re still having a debate about whether her resource should scale or not. Right now, Arcane Power does not scale, and that’s the big difference between the Wizard’s resource and the Witch Doctor‘s mana; the Wizard’s resource does not scale up over time. Otherwise they’re very similar. If we change that about mana the Wizard might just go to mana and we’d change the Witch Doctor’s to something new.</blue>
==The Wizard's Design==