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Wrath of the Berserker

2,028 bytes added, 01:08, 9 August 2012
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'''Wrath of the Berserker''' is a Situational Rage [[Barbarian skill]] unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 2930, transforming the Barbarian into a giant, hulking beast for a short period. While in this state, the Barbarian gains massive bonuses to both damage dealing and defensive stats.
<br><br><br>__TOC__==Background==Though the bonus is short-lived, with just a 15 second duration, it's possible to greatly extend the duration with skill runes and equipment that generates critical hits. Expert players with good equipment and specific [[File:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Wrath of the Berserker in actionbuilds]]The can maintain this form indefinitely while fighting large groups of enemies, giving their Barbarian hulks out and unleashes his fury, raining havoc an enormous boost to killing power and destruction upon his foessurvivability.
==Skill Rune Effects==The following is a very quick listsummary. See the [[Wrath of the Berserker rune effects]] page for a more thorough summary description of rune effects, or any of the individual rune pages for numbers, screenshots, blue quotes, and much more.
{{Active skills skill description header}}{{<skill class="Barbarian Skill ">Wrath of the Berserker}}</skill>{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Slaughter}}{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Insanity}}{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Thrive on Chaos}}{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Arreat<skill class="Barbarian" rune="Arreat's Wail}}">Wrath of the Berserker</skill><skill class="Barbarian" rune="Insanity">Wrath of the Berserker</skill><skill class="Barbarian" rune="Slaughter">Wrath of the Berserker</skill>{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Mountainous Form}}<skill class="Barbarian" rune="Striding Giant">Wrath of the Berserker</skill>{{center|Note: Information is based <skill class="Barbarian" rune="Thrive on a level 60 character and rank 7 runestones.}}Chaos">Wrath of the Berserker</skill>
==Skill Design==
This [[skill]] turns the Barbarian into a furious killing machine with bonuses to physical damage-dealing stats, and it also adds defensive bonuses as well. It provides a way of disposing tough monsters quickly, such as bosses or minibosses. One could argue that this This skill is a very good an excellent demonstration of the design philosophy of the Berserker skill treestyle Barbarian, where there is no such thing as too much power.
The most common use for Wrath of the Berserker is to enable the [[Thrive on Chaos]] rune effect, which adds one second of duration for every 25 Fury gained. This must be used in conjunction with skills, passives, and equipment that enable the Barbarian to generate huge amounts of Fury, and thus remain in the WotB form indefinitely. The most common and useful options are:
* [[Battle Rage]] with the rune effect [[Into the Fray]]. Battle Rage grants a 15% damage bonus and +3% critical hit chance, while Into the Fray adds a "a chance to gain 15 fury from critical hits." This is an essential skill to pair with WotB since it enables massive Fury gain.
* +Critical Hit chance: This must come chiefly from equipment, and gloves, bracers, shoulders, and rings are common sources of this bonus.
** The [[Sprint]] rune effect [[Run Like The Wind]] releases numerous small tornadoes that deal damage, but more importantly provide constant hit checks on numerous enemies in the area. This is the Barbarian's best source of numerous critical hits.
** [[Seismic Slam]] the rune effect [[Rumble]] causes tremors to remain in the hit area, which deal 30% weapon damage and create numerous proc checks for critical hits.
** [[Passive Barbarian Skills]] that boost Fury or Critical Hit chance:
*** [[Ruthless]] -- This passive skill grants +5% critical hit chance and +30% critical hit damage.
*** [[Weapons Master]] -- This passive skill grants +10% Critical Hit Chance when the Barbarian has a mace or axe equipped.
*** [[Animosity]] -- This passive skill increases Fury generation by 10% and maximum Fury is increased by 20.
*** [[Unforgiving]] -- You no longer degenerate Fury. Instead, you gain 1 Fury every 2 seconds.
===Base Skill===
* [[Boon of Bul-Kathos]] - Reduces the skill's [[cooldown]] always.
 ===[[File:IconAlabasterSmallIconMedRuneE.png|30px|link=Alabaster]] Slaughter==={{clear-left}}
The following [[Barbarian passives]] provide a benefit to [[Slaughter (rune effect)|Slaughter]]:
* [[Bloodthirst]] - The [[Barbarian]] gains life based on the amount of damage he deals always.
* [[Brawler]] - Increases the [[Barbarian]]'s damage when he is swarmed.
 ===[[File:IconIndigoSmallIconMedRuneB.png|30px|link=Indigo]] Arreat's Wail==={{clear-left}}
The following [[Barbarian passives]] provide a benefit to [[Arreat's Wail]]:
* [[Bloodthirst]] - The [[Barbarian]] gains life based on the amount of damage he deals always.
'''Wrath of the Berserker''' first appeared in the [[BlizzCon 2009]] demo at Tier VI in the [[Berserker Skill Tree]], and stuck around for [[BlizzCon 2010]] as a Tier 7 skill. Unfortunately, in both demos Barbarians didn't have a high enough level to select it.
Skill tiers were removed for the [[July 2011 Press Event]], allowing skills to unlock steadily from levels 1 to 30. Consequently, all skill levels were adjusted and Wrath of the Berserker became a level 29 skill. It was, however, demonstrated at the event. mentioned it in their hands-on report:[]
<blockquote>''We see the Barbarian's Wrath of the Berserker, a special ability that transforms him or her into a dark giant beast capable of slicing through Diablo's minion hordes.''</blockquote>
{{Beta skill notes}}
Wrath of the Berserker remained at level 29 when the beta started. With the Patch 13 changes, it was classified as a Rage skill and moved to level 30.
Image:Diablo_III_LogoWotb_fem.jpg|Skill use 1Image:Diablo_III_LogoFemale barb using WotB.jpg|Skill use 2Image:Diablo_III_LogoWotb_fem2.jpg|Skill use 3Image:Diablo_III_LogoFemale barb using WotB.jpg|Skill use 4
--><!--==Related Articles==''Articles that are related, but not emphasised enough in any other section, or articles that just need further attention.''-->
* [ BlizzCon 2009 Full Barbarian Skill Trees and Stats]
* [ BlizzCon 2010 PvP Hands-on Report]
* [ Zediono's translation of JudgeHype's pre-beta report] -- IncGamers 1st Aug 2011* [ Hands On with the Diablo III Beta] -- 1st Aug 2011* [ Barbarian Active Skills] -- — Blizzard's Official Diablo III 13th Sep 2011Site
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