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Movement Scaler

702 bytes added, 14:53, 29 March 2012
Calculating the Heroes Movement Rates
Calc1 = 1 - Min(1, MovementScalarReductionResistance)
This makes sure Min means take the lowest value, so the worst best Slow Resistance you can get here have is a 0, best 1(100%). So even if you set This will be combined with the ReductionResistance to 9999 it'll end up being 0. Although in theory you can have a negative value but Blizzard will no doubt prevent that somewhere else in their code if it matters.Reduction Percent Below:
Calc2 = (1 - MovementScalarReductionPercent * Calc1 )
A percent OK, so ReductionPercent (lets say a slow of 0.60 [caltrops]) multiplied by the Resistance will be a value between your total slowed amount, again reversed. (example: 1-0.00 and 16 = 0.00 so all this does is take whatever the 4 with no resistance is and take the percentage (as the name gives away). So if your ReductionResistance was 50% and your ReductionPercentage was 50% you'll end up with 25%.
Calc3 = (1 + MovementBonusTotal)
This just gives you a minimum MovementBonusTotal is unknown at present as the Scalar is used by affixes (items). Maybe skills will use this instead of the Scalar? So for now, we'll leave this at 1.
Calc4 = Max(0.1, MovementScalar)
Now this is the one we've been waiting for, just how does the MovementScalar change the speed of our character? 0.1 is the default, so anything above that is a perk!
*(your bonus movement) * 1 * ( 1 - [slow %] * ( 1 - [Slow Resistance]))* Default: 0.1 * 1 * 1 * 1 = 0.1; This would be full base speed.* Full Slowed by Caltrops with no Resistance: [0.1 ] * 1 * ( 1 - [0 .6] * (1 - [0 ]) ) = 0.04; You would be unable to move.'re slow!* Some buffAffix Run1 on your Axe: [0.15] * 1 * ( 1 - [0] * (1- [0]) ) = 0.25 15; 5% increase!* Affix Run1 on your Axe but slowed with Caltrops: [0.15] * 1 * ( 1 - [0.6] * (1 - [0]) ) = 10.12506; 25(you're 40% slower than someone who has no buffs or debuffs)*Affix Run1 on your Axe but slowed with Caltrops but with 50% increase resistance: [0.15] * 1 * (easy to show with 10 1 - [0.6] * 125% (1 - [0.5]) ) = 120.105; (Still faster than a normal character by 0.5%!);
Now back to the original formula:
MovementScalarCappedTotal = Min(1.25, MovementScalarSubtotal)
So we now know the best bonus is 1.25 which is the same as 2501150% in game bonus to run speed! No point going above that then guys and girls, 2501150% is your limitfrom this source!Of course there is the UncappedBonus, but at the moment we've not figured out where this is used...
MovementScalarTotal = MovementScalarCappedTotal + MovementScalarUncappedBonus
* RunningRateTotal = RunningRate * MovementScalarTotal
Lets give WalkingRate a value of 100.
Basic speed will be calculated as: 100*0.1 = 10;
With Run1: 100*0.15 = 15;
With Caltrops: 100*0.04 = 4;
So as you can see the MovementScalar is just as it says on the tin, a percentage % movement speed increasewith a cap of 1150% on the speed gains from affixes!