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112 bytes added, 01:43, 10 May 2014
no edit summary
*Burrows under ground only to reappear elsewhere
*Lunges from far away to launch attacks
 <!--<mob acr="5236">Burrowing Leaper</mob>-->
*Burrows under ground only to reappear elsewhere
*Lunges from far away to launch attacks
 <!--<mob>Frostclaw Burrower</mob>-->
*Burrows under ground only to reappear elsewhere
*Lunges from far away to launch attacks
*Appears in Act I - [[Defiled Crypts]], [[Den of the Fallen]], [[The Weeping Hollow]], [[Sheltered Cottage]] and [[Fields of Misery]].
*Physical attack
*Lunges from far away to launch attacks
'''Act I'''
*[[Armorer's Bane]] - Level 2 of the [[Watch Tower]] in [[Southern Highlands]]. [[The Scavenged Scabbard]] event*[[Burrow Bile]] - [[Forlorn Farm]], [[Fields of Misery]]* [[Mange]] - [[The Weeping Hollow]]. Target of the bounty [[Kill Mange]]