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User talk:Antraeus

A list of all world dungeons and their regional locationsEdit

Random Dungeons by Act and WaypointEdit

Act IEdit

Old Tristram RoadEdit

     The Cave Under the Well

     Damp Cellar

     Dank Cellar

     Mass Grave

     Musty Cellar

Old TristramEdit

     Dark Cellar

     Quality Well (Easter egg dungeon)

The Weeping HollowEdit

     Den of the Fallen

The Forsaken CemeteryEdit

     Development Hell (Super rare Easter egg dungeon, Final Boss awards Feat of Strength)

Fields of MiseryEdit

     Decaying Crypt

     House of Curios

     Lost Mine

     Scavenger's Den

     Tinker's Hovel

     Pillaged Home

     Farmer's Cellar

Southern Highlands (South of North Highlands Waypoint, or North of Highlands Crossing)Edit

     Abandoned Servant House

     Cave of the Moon Clan

     The Lyceum

Northern HighlandsEdit

     Watch Tower

Leoric's Hunting GroundsEdit

     Highlands Cave

Act IIEdit

Howling PlateauEdit

     Abandoned Mineworks

     Faud's Cellar

     Sirocco Caverns

Black Canyon MinesEdit

     Blood Cellar

     Deserted Cellar

     Tunnels of the Rockworm (after defeating a unique rockworm inside a Deserted Cellar)

Stinging WindsEdit

     The Crumbling Vault (and Vault Treasure Room)

     Hadi's Claim Mine

     The Ruins

     Chamber of the Lost Idol

     Abandoned Cellar


     Alcarnus Cellar

     Sandy Cellar

     Town Cellar

Dahlgur OasisEdit

     Ancient Cave

     Flooded Cave

     The Forgotten Ruins

     Mysterious Cave (available after saving Zaven the Alchemist)

     Old Fisherman's Cellar

     Ransacked Cellar

     Rotting Cellar

     Storage Cellar

     Storm Cellar

     Swampy Cellar

     Tomb of Khan Dakab

     Tomb of Sardar

Desolate SandsEdit

     Cave of Burrowing Horror (after defeating a unique rockworm Shaitan the Broodmother)

     Vile Cavern

     The Veiled Treasure (Possibility of the Ancient Device)

     The Fowl Lair (after having used the Ancient Device)

Act IIIEdit

The Arreat GateEdit

     Fortified Bunker

     The Barracks

The BattlefieldsEdit

     Battlefield Stores

     The Foundry

     Cryder's Outpost

     The Forward Barracks

Fields of SlaughterEdit

     Caverns of Frost

     Icefall Caves

Rakkis CrossingEdit

     Bridge Stores

     The Underbridge

Act IVEdit

Gardens of Hope 2nd TierEdit

     Blessed Chancel

     Holy Sanctum

     Radiant Chapel

     Sacellum of Virtue

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