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DPS is an initialization for Damage Per Second. This term has two general meanings in the realm of gaming. DPS can be either a noun, adjective, or a verb, depending upon usage.

DPS in regards to dealing damage.


In terms of dealing damage, DPS refers to the average damage a character will do with a weapon or a specific attack, averaged out between the base damage and the attack speed. Games rarely will have an accessible way to inform the player of what, precisely, the dps would be for any weapon or attack due to the complex nature of how numbers work in games. As an example, a fist weapon that does 2-5 damage, and hits 1.4 times per second will have a base dps of 4.9, as displayed in the graphic. However, if a gem is added that deals damage or damage over time, or an enchantment which increases damage, and if a certain percentage of weapon damage is lent towards the base of a skill, if the attack grants a critical strike or not, if there is a chance to miss or modifiers to increase hit rating, makes it much more complex to calculate the actual, precise damage per second.

Hence, dps is a very general idea of what type of damage a player can expect at its most base level. This will vary widely from game to game, depending upon how the developer chooses to inform the player of relevant combat statistics.

DPS as a class role.

DPS as a class role refers to the dichotomy of classes that are pre-designed to serve a specific purpose. There are generally three types of classes when it comes to online games: a tank, a healer, and a DPSer. The role of the DPS player is to inflict as much damage as possible to the enemy or enemies in the area, while the tank keeps the enemy's attention, and the healer keeps everyone alive during the entire process.

In an ARPG, however, it is generally assumed that every class is a dps class, so these class roles do not have as much relevance to a game like Diablo. However, it is possible to build a character in an ARPG that is capable of controlling enemy movement and absorbing damage to protect other players. This is generally done without the help of a threat or aggro system, and it requires the player to be very knowledgeable of game mechanics in order to succeed.