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Revision as of 04:36, 30 December 2013 by WitchDoctor (talk | contribs) (updated my page)
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WitchDoctor is a player who has played diablo for a while, although somewhat recently stuck to this name. For the class,see Witch Doctor. This page is for some background information on the player.

Diablo Games

Diablo I

Diablo I is currently WitchDoctor's favorite diablo game because of its music and atmosphere. He plays in vanilla leveling his level 30 rouge.

Diablo II

WitchDoctor has played diablo 2 for several years. He quit back in 2012ish and played Diablo 3, leaving his main accounts to expire. He still has single player experimental characters and plays on his barbarian Pisa on an alternate account that was still intact when he returned to diablo 2 in October 2013, and has about 5 shared mule accounts still operating. However, he never found a zod rune (although a friend of his did) and does not use the enigma armor. When playing he tries to stray as far away from cookie cutter and normal runs (baal runs, key runs, etc) as possible.

Diablo III

WitchDoctor (WitchDoctor 1834) currently plays on his Demon Hunter and his Wizard, and only has 1 Witch Doctor, who is below level 60. He has 2 Wizards, 1 demon hunter, and 4 small characters.

He currently gives away gear, tags along starting character games, fights ubers with his friends, does some pvp, and collects screenshots. He typically does not do runs or use cookie cutter builds, and likes to experiment with builds and gear.

In the months of November and December he collects as many spare items as possible and distributes them to players in game who are newer/just coming back after a while.


WitchDoctor frequently checks Diablo Incgamers and the main blizzard website. He also has accounts on other fansites, used only if he has a need for them. He checks his incgamer's profile and recent changes on diablowiki often (taking down some spammers a few notches along the way). He used to check his diablofan's profile and post screenshots from all 3 diablo games on it, but due to a recent update that removed all the profile features he liked, he no longer checks that website anymore than once a week, and that is mostly out of old habits dying hard.


WitchDoctor is particularly fond of improving the diablowiki site. He considers it to be the best diablo wiki out there, and thinks it only needs a little bit of updating. To contact him, just post a comment on this talk page or pm him on Incgamers (same username).

For his contributions, on November 23 2013 he was awarded the title DiabloWiki.Net Ink Slinger by Elly on Diablo Incgamers. In the month of December, due to actively playing another game he spent almost no time on working with diablowiki articles, but still found the time to check and delete spam articles and replace him with his own little witty comments.

Known Information

Most players typically refer to WitchDoctor as a "he", including himself, so although he never directly states his gender it can be assumed he is male. No other information floating around can be considered as fact about him, and he never directly says information about his life. He has a habit of being on and off, and never is completely dedicated to whatever he is playing since that dang thing called life keeps interfering.


Currently WitchDoctor is inventorying his diablo 2 mules (taking forever, and he did literally nothing in December 1023) and working on his archive of screenshots, slowly. He just moved the whole archive onto a flash drive, freeing up a couple gigs of hard drive space.

He also is working on fully updating diablowiki to its full potential... slooowwwwwlllyyyyy.

Other Games

Witchdoctor also plays:

  • Outwars - Windows 95 action game.
  • Medieval II: Total War and previous games - None of the newer ones.
  • Airfix Dogfighter - Not played often as it crashes.
  • Streets of Simcity - Same as above, crashes more frequent however.
  • All simcities up to 3000 - including the origional on floppy discs (somewhere).
  • Mechwarrior 3 and 4
  • Mechcommander I
  • Starcraft II

Plus some other games not listed here.


All this information was given by WitchDoctor. It is up to the reader to decide the credibility of it.