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WWI 2008: D3 Lore and Environmental Art Panel

25 bytes added, 16:41, 7 July 2008
We've also extended use of player voice in the game. In D1 and D2 players had voice, but just to make brief comments; to tell you the inventory was full, or to make a remark on the environment. In D3, we want you to feel that you're playing a very specific character. You're not just a generic barbarian or Witch Doctorwitch doctor. We've given the characters specific personalities and voices. And with this comes a unique conversation system; one that's very different from what was used in the earlier Diablo games. In the past you received monologues from NPCs(non-playable characters). Now you have conversations with them; in which more story is imparted in a more lively fashion. These make the character feel more alive and more heroic, and less like an errand boy. We also tell the story through dialogue and lore books your character finds in the game.
===Using the Environment===