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Teeth of Diablo

3 bytes removed, 18:42, 9 August 2009
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'''Teeth of Diablo''' appears appear to be some sort of power-infused spikes, used by Triune [[cultist]]s in making [[Dark Vessel]]s, and subsequently [[Activated Vessel]]s, but also hold additional powers of unknown potency.
The only reference in literature to spikes that may refer to the Teeth of Diablo can be found in the [[Writings of Abd al-Hazir]], more specifically the [[Writings of Abd al-Hazir: Entry no. 0042|42nd entry]] regarding [[Dark Cultist]]s. While reading the entry you get a feeling that the entry and the illustration of a [[Dark Vessel]] and an [[Activated Vessel]]s are linked. In the entry they talk about spikes being driven into some complacent victims’ victim's back, which is clearly the case in the illustration.