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591 bytes added, 17:04, 14 October 2009
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The '''Amazons''' of the [[Skovos]] isles fought bravely in the war against [[Diablo]], but are not going to appear as playable [[class]]es in [[Diablo III]].
The Amazons are women warriors who hail from a group of islands in the [[Twin Seas]] called the [[Skovos]] isles, near the border of the [[Great Ocean]]. Only the permanently snow-covered peak of [[Mount Karcheus]] breaks the expanses of lush forests on the islands.
Their pantheon of gods consists of a well-defined hierarchy, each member upholding some segment of the balance of Order. It is this strong sense of order that drives the Amazon people to achieve greatness in even the smallest of their endeavours. Their prime deity is [[Athulua]], who with her consort, [[Kethryes]], rules over the seasons and the weather. Under these goddesses are a wide assortment of lesser deities. Each responsible for his or her own sphere of influence among the amazon people's daily life. [[Zerae]] is one of the combat-oriented deities. The Amazons believe this pantheon is the remnant of the original inhabitants that settled the islands centuries ago. According to ancient records, they share the same name as these gods, although aspects of their personalities seem to have evolved over the centuries.
==raits and Abilities==
Hunting in the dense rain forests of the [[Skovos Isles|Amazon Islands]] is fraught with many obstacles. Confining overgrowth and fierce indigenous animals conspire to make combat difficult, if not impossible. Early in training, Amazon spear-women must learn to overcome these conditions. By honing their hunting techniques to the point where they are able to deliver many powerful spear thrusts in rapid succession, they learn to finish off one opponent before turning to slay another. The {{iw|Jab Jab}} is the most basic of the skills designed to accomplish this tactic.
==Traits and Abilities==
The Amazon is more than competent in hand-to-hand combat. Training in the jungles of her native islands have shaped the Amazon's skill with the bow and missile weapons into one of unparalleled excellence. With the bow, her only rival are the [[Sisters of the Sightless Eye]]. But, unless her sisters in arm, the Amazon is also highly adept in the use of spears and other thrown weapons. The powers they possess are a combination of [[Prime magic]], [[Holy magic]] and ingenious weapon construction.