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Fanmade:Holy Power Skill Tree

232 bytes added, 13:07, 5 July 2010
no edit summary
==Sword Of Scepter of Light==The mage summons a big sword scepter of white energy in her hands. Actually she raises her hand above her head and thin rays of light start shining around it, then they gather together (they move from the outwards to inward) and form the scepter. It looks pretty much like a big morning star mace, but made of light. Press the skill button to activate the blade mace and press it again to deactivate it. Deactivation doesn't cost mana. The sword scepter is two one handed, but if and you can have a shield, you will be able to hold it with one in your other hand, but the damage will be loweror maybe a magical item like an orb etc.. The attack speed is normal. The damage is magical and physical. Enemies that are hit will be swallowed by white magical flames that slowly burn them and lower their resistances /also magical/ and their defensedefence. There is a chance to Dispell Undead and to Banish Demons /see below/ when attacking. Costs Mana to activate.
In addition to that there is a chance for the sword scepter to emit a lightning of white energy when you hit the target and it will affect maximum four of the nearby foes. The ones hit by the lightning will receive half of the blademace's damage and the chance to cast Dispel Undead and Banish Demons will be lower. The other effects will be the same as the blademace's.
Adding points to the skill will increase the damage /magical and physical/ and also the chance to cast Dispel Dispell Undead and Banish Demons. The resistances and defense lowered, and the burn duration will also increase. The chance to emit additional lightning to nearby foes will get better. The mana cost for activation increases.