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18 bytes added, 12:23, 19 October 2010
Experience Combo Bonuses
==Experience Combo Bonuses==
A new feature in Diablo III grants experience bonuses for a "[[Massacre]]," multiple kills in rapid succession. Characters score the usual experience for each kill, and then get a bonus on top of that for any long series of kills. The player is informed of this bonus by text popping up on the screen whenever a character mows down five or more monsters in a row.
In the [[BlizzCon 2008]] build, characters were allowed a few seconds between kills to keep the bonus counting. For instance, if there were a dozen [[zombie]]s on the screen, at least one needed to go down every 3 or 4 seconds for the bonus to keep adding up. Once there were no kills made for about 5 seconds, the bonus would display in big flashing letters and numbers.