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Arcane Power

895 bytes added, 06:29, 30 October 2010
no edit summary
Arcane Power sounds very much alike to the Rogue's Energy resource from [[World of Warcraft]]. In that game the Rogue character has preset amount of a resource that recovers very quickly, allowing for constant attacks.
==Arcane Power Skill==
The name "Arcane Power" was assigned to a passive skill in the early development of the Wizard. It was present in the Blizzcon 2008 demo, but had been removed in 2009 and has never returned.
The description, taken from the [[Wizard_skill_archive#Pre-BlizzCon_2009_Arcane_Tree|Wizard skill archive article]]:
* Passive Skill
* Description: Increases all arcane damage.
* Max Rank: 15
** Rank 1: Increases arcane damage by 12%.
** Rank 2: Increases arcane damage by 24%.
** Rank 3: Increases arcane damage by 36%.
This mastery boosts the arcane spell damages by a much higher % than similar masteries for other types of damage, and it's unclear why. Possibilities include: arcane spells generally do less damage, their critical hit bonus might be less useful, or the spell just might be overpowered in this early, still-under-testing build. </blockquote>