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Jay Wilson

843 bytes added, 09:57, 9 June 2011
Personal Details
According to the {{wl|[ interview with Jay]}}, his favorite color is green, his favorite meal is his mother's lasagna and his favorite animal is his cat.
==Jay's Eyes==
Jay Wilson's increasing weary and serious expressions, especially as seen in photos from the Blizzard Irvine visit[] and interview[] in May 2011, spawned various affectionately humorous DiabLOL captioned images, and eventually resulted in the creation of a tightly-cropped image of just his tired eyes, as a sort of counterpart to the long-running [[Bobby's eyes]] meme.
File:Jay-whysoserious-caniroth.jpg|Jay so serious. By Caniroth.
File:Jay-wilson-serious-jay.jpg|Serious Jay has doubts. By Flux.
File:Jay-release-date-risingred.jpg|Release date Jay is not amused. By Risingred.
==Professional Bio==