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User talk:Flux

142 bytes added, 06:30, 8 July 2011
What is the policy concerning taking content from
Also there is an error in <nowiki>{{Key pages}}</nowiki> under Boss monters; <nowiki>[[Champions]]] should be [[Champions]]</nowiki> --[[User:Brokenstorm|Brokenstorm]] 22:32, 7 July 2011 (CEST)
:Blizzard's content info is considered canon and should be quoted and cited whenever possible. Quoting content is like quoting game content, though of course some of the stuff on the website is out of date at this point. As  :I was going to say anyone can fix typos, but then I realized you meant on the main page, which is protected for the champions bracketadmins only. Incidentally, anyone should feel free that page is going to fix such minor errorsbe fully redone fairly soon. ThatIt's why we have this info out of date and needs to be expanded, but big complex table pages like that are such a pain to rework in a wiki, so people from the community can help out. Even if that I've been putting it's just fixing typosoff. :) --[[User:Flux|Flux]] 08:27, 8 July 2011 (CEST)