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Mirror Image

87 bytes added, 11:06, 17 February 2012
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'''Mirror Image''' is a Utility [[Wizard skill]] unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 1514, creating an illusionary duplicate of the character.
<blockquote>''I didn’t use this one very often during play, since the Wizard was powerful enough to slaughter most attackers without needing the assistance, but the few times I did Mirror Image, against big mobs, it worked marvelously. The mirror doesn’t last for very long, usually dying to the monster onslaught, but it didn’t have to. The Wizard has a number of nice AoE spells, even at low levels, and all the MI had to do was provide a focal point for the [[Fallen]] or [[Dark Cultist]]s to swarm around to turn them into fish in a barrel for [[Arcane Orb]]s.</blockquote>
Mirror Image was still listed at [[BlizzCon 2010]], but it wasn't one of the Wizard's starting skills. Skill tiers were removed for the [[July 2011 Press Event]], and Mirror Image became a level 15 skill.<br>Later in the beta, Mirror Image was moved down by a level, becoming level 14 skill.