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72 bytes added, 13:57, 29 May 2012
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: ''Where 'Were you looking for the [[Scoundrel]] skill [[Multishot (Scoundrel skill)|Multishot]]?'''
[[File:MultiShot1.jpg|thumb|300px|Multishot in action.]]
'''Multishot''' is an Archery [[Demon Hunter skill]] unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 22. The Demon Hunter shoots a massive fan of arrows or boltsthat hit every enemy in that direction for substantial damage.
The Demon Hunter fires a fan of arrows.
==Skill Rune Effects==
The following is a very quick summary. See the [[Multishot rune effects]] page for a more thorough description of rune effects, or any of the individual rune pages for numbers, screenshots, blue quotes, and much more.
{{skill description header}}
<skill class="DemonHunter" rune="Full Broadside">Multishot</skill>
<skill class="DemonHunter" rune="Arsenal">Multishot</skill>
==Skill Design==
[[Image:multishot2.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Multishot hitting cultists.]]
Multishot is a carry-over skill from the Amazon in Diablo II, and it functions in the same way albeit in a slightly more exaggerated formwith literally hundreds of arrows that guarantee any monster in that direction will be hit. The shot fans out into an erratic blast spread of bolts from the Demon Hunterprojectiles can not be controlled, but it's crossbows, filling a larger and larger area of the screen important to aim it properly to hit as many enemies as it travels outwardpossible.
[[File:multishot3.jpg|thumb|300px|An entire quiver.]]
This [[skill]] was first shown at [[BlizzCon 2010]] as one of the originals when the [[Demon Hunter]] was unveiled. At that point it was a low damage utility sort of skill. [[Flux]] described using it in the demo:[] ::''It looks awesome; you get a fantastic burst of arrows that look very impressive. Try counting them in one of the screenshots; I did a very quick scan across one shot and got to well over 100. That was at Rank 1/]5 in the demo, so possibly it will produce less in the final game, but I don’t think so. It’s meant to be something of a shock and awe attack, at least visually.
<blockquote>''It looks awesome; you get a fantastic burst of arrows that look very impressive. Try counting them in one of the screenshots; I did a very quick scan across one shot and got to well over 100. That was at Rank 1/5 in the demo, so possibly it will produce less in the final game, but I don’t think so. It’s meant to be something of a shock and awe attack, at least visually.</blockquote>