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2,111 bytes added, 15:42, 12 July 2012
added conversations
'''Becoming a Templar'''
::[[Demon Hunter]]: Were you raised as a templar in the order? 
No. Our scripture says, "As a farmer reaps his wheat, so must the order harvest and purify the weeds."
:[[Demon Hunter]]: My initiation was less formal. They asked me if I wanted to hunt demons, and I said yes.
That would be simpler. But your order destroys monsters. Mine redeems them.
::[[Demon Hunter]]: My initiation was less formal. They asked me if I wanted to hunt demons, and I said yes.
That would be simpler:[[Witch Doctor]]: I do not know much of your order. Were you born a templar?No. But your Our scripture says, "As a farmer reaps his wheat, so must the order destroys monstersharvest and purify the weeds.":[[Witch Doctor]]: You say you are a weed. I think that even weeds have their purpose under the sun and moon.No. Mine redeems themThey strangle. They corrupt. And the crop fails. I was lucky to be taken when I was.
::[[Demon Hunter]]: I have seen enough monsters to know that you aren't one of them. Why d you feel guilty about your past?:[[Witch Doctor]]: The spirits say that you hang a mantle of shame on your shoulders. What crimes haunt you?
I can not tell you.
:[[Demon Hunter]]: There are some things that will haunt you forever if you never speak of them.
:[[Witch Doctor]]: You are a good man, the spirits say. Unburden your heart, my friend.
You misunderstand me. We are literally unable to recall our pasts. The inquisitors stripped my sins and the memory of them from me, leaving me pure.
::[[Demon Hunter]]: There are some things that will haunt you forever if you never speak of them.
You misunderstand me. We are literally unable to recall our pasts. The inquisitors stripped my sins and the memory of them from me, leaving me pure.
::[[Demon Hunter]]: I don't fully understand your order's motivations. Why do they take your past from you?:[[Witch Doctor]]: Tell me more of your order. Why do they steal your past?
Our initiation blinds us to our sinful pasts so that we might clearly see the future and prepare for the final battle.
::[[Demon Hunter]]: And how does your order purge your memory?:[[Witch Doctor]]: By what magic does your order strip a man of his memory?
I was chained to a wall and beaten. By the third day, I was mad from pain and hunger. This is when the whipping began. I was told I relived all of my transgressions, everything that brought me tainted joy. The whip took away that joy, then the sin, leaving me pure.
::[[Demon Hunter]]: Restraint bolsters the weak, not pain. You have suffered needlessly.:[[Witch Doctor]]: In the Teganze, corrupt priests sacrificed men for their personal gain. Even they did not expect the men to be grateful.
Don't you understand? The templar order is trying to protect humanity from extinction. What is my pain against that goal?
::[[Demon Hunter]]: Becoming a demon hunter is not as simple as making a choice. We are survivors.Indeed. Discipline is at the heart of all great endeavors.:[[Demon Hunter]]: Yes. It was discipline that forced me to face my nightmares and conquer my fears. I think that, deep down, you fear that your order is lying to you. That you were not the sinner that they say you were. Face that fear. Find the truth. I... cannot lie. That has occurred to me. But if it were true, it would ruin everything I fight for.
Indeed. Discipline is at the heart of all great endeavors.
:[[Witch Doctor]]: In my time, I have often argued with the spirits. I did not always believe they knew the true path for me.I do not understand.:[[Demon HunterWitch Doctor]]: YesNo, you do not. It was discipline that forced me to face my nightmares When the spirits and conquer my fears. I think thatlook at you, deep downwe agree. We say, you fear that your order "This is a good man. There is lying to youno darkness in him. There never was. " That Confront what you were not the sinner that they call your sins, and I say you werewill find nothing there. Test your faith and prove me wrong.I... cannot lie. Face that fearThat has occurred to me. Find the truthBut if it were true, it would ruin everything I fight for.
I... cannot lie. That has occurred to me. But if it were true, it would ruin everything I fight for.
'''Seeking the Truth'''
I have considered what we have discussed, and you are correct. I know little about my past beyond what my order has told me. But what doest it matter? Look what they have done for me. They have turned me into a living weapon, a light against darkness.
:[[Witch Doctor]]: I am not sure that the darkness you speak of is not in the order you serve. You must be able to remember your past to know the truth.
I wouldn't know how to begin. How do I seek memories that have been taken from me?
:[[Witch Doctor]]: Ground otatozo root would uncover every memory in your head. Or make you blind. It is a dangerous root.
You may be right. I will find a way to take back my memories and exonerate my order.