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Burning Hells

348 bytes added, 05:34, 9 November 2013
inproved lore, but i need some good sources to back it up still
Terror started reigning againDiablo's power was wreaking havoc upon [[Tristram]], and although the mad King Leoric eventually was killed by his trusted commander [[Lachdanan]], the worries did not end. The [[Tristram Cathedral|Cathedral]] was still spewing out evil beasts, and after his death [[Leoric]] returned as the skeleton king and corrupted all his former knights but[[Lachdanan]], who managed to escape his wrath.In the first diablo game [[Lachdanan]], can be found in a side quest in the deepest areas of the labyrinth.
Many adventurers tried to travel traveled down in the labyrinths beneath the Cathedral in search for fame and fortune, but all died or fled, or went mad. One day came an unknown man(later confirmed to be [[Leoric]]'s son, who [[Aidan]] did manage to reach the deepest parts of the labyrinth and find [[Diablo]] in a section that had already begun to corrupt into a likeness of Hell. A frightful battle took place, The hero slew diablo and shoved the hero was successfuldiablo's soulstone into his own head.
He [[Aidan]] tried to contain the demon within himself, to bring it to the Eastern [[mage clans]] for a final defeat, but in the end he succumbed to could not resist the powerful force overwhelming influence of Diablo diablo and became the [[Dark Wanderer]].
===The Dark Wanderer===