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133 bytes added, 14:32, 7 March 2014
WitchDoctor has played diablo 2 for several years. He quit back in 2012ish and played Diablo 3, leaving his main accounts to expire. He still has single player experimental characters and plays on his barbarian Pisa on an alternate account that was still intact when he returned to diablo 2 in October 2013, and has about 5 shared mule accounts still operating. However, he never found a zod rune (although a friend of his did) and does not use the enigma armor. When playing he tries to stray as far away from cookie cutter and normal runs (baal runs, key runs, etc) as possible.
Recently he has been logging back in every once in a while to keep his remaining account(s) up, but play on that game is declining.
===Diablo III===