From Diablo Wiki
added cdr
* '''[[CC]]''' - Crowd Control. Refers to skills or effects that slow, snare, confuse, knockback, or otherwise disable or slow targets.
* '''CC''' - [[Critical hit Chance]]. Also CHC.
* '''CD''' - [[Critical Hit Damage]], a much sought item mod in Diablo 3. Also CHC.
* '''CDR''' - Cool Down Reduction
* '''CE''' - Collector's Edition; a special version of the game with bonus material (soundtrack, art books, etc, and a higher price. D2CE, D3CE, etc.
* '''[[Chain]]''' - Term for a spell or effect that leaps from or connects one enemy to another. [[Entangling Arrow]] and [[Locust Swarm]] are two Diablo 3 examples.
* '''CM''' - CM can refer to A Blizzard "[[Community Manager]]" (like [[Bashiok]]), or to a "Community Member," a Diablo player and fansite reader like you.
* '''CM''' - [[Critical Mass]], a powerful [[Wizard]] passive that reduces cooldown times.
* '''C/O''' - Or "CO." Current Offer. Used when [[trade|trading]] different [[item]]s.
* '''[[Collision]]''' -- A term that refers to objects that can not occupy the same location in a game. There is no Player to Player collision so characters, followers, and pets can walk through each other. There is Player to Monster collision though, and characters can be trapped by a mass of monsters. See [[Escape Skills]].
* '''[[Combo]]''' - An early term for the [[Spirit]]-generator [[Monk skills]], since they all hit three times in rapid succession.