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Abd al-Hazir

70 bytes removed, 15:18, 12 April 2009
Speculation and Meta-Info
==Speculation and Meta-Info==
In OUR worldArabic, the meaning of "Abd" is literary translates literally as "Worshipper Worshiper of God" or "WorshipperWorshiper," in Arabic, and "al-Hazir" means "The Warner.". The meaning of his His name would therefore be thus roughly translates to <u>'''Worshipper Worshiper of The Warner'''</u>. Whether It is unknown whether the Eastern countries of [[Sanctuary]] uses the same use Arabic or a similar language as our own Earth is unknown, and we know that the character Abd is not very religious so the name might be unrelated, but we don't know how much homework Blizzard have done and they might actually may find a greater use a lot more of Arabic names and meanings connotations in the game.
'''The Warner''' could also possibly be a prophet or a deity of some sort in Diablo 3. There is evidence that Adb's parents were religious, though he is not. It could also refer to Abd's role in foreshadowing the gamedark times ahead, which a prevalent theme in many of his parents believed in. Not necessarily Abd himselfwritings.