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Spell Speed

Revision as of 23:45, 3 May 2012 by MrFrye (talk | contribs)
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Spell Speed is a Tier 1 skill from the Wizard's Conjuring skill tree, increasing the speed the Magic Missile projectiles.

Important.png Archived Article [e]
Spell Speed is an archived article about material previously included in Diablo 3. However, it has been removed or the article contains outdated facts. The information is stored in Diablo Wiki for posterity. Please note: Links in this article lead to both updated and archived material.

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Diablo III Skill [e]
Diablo III Logo.jpg
Spell Speed

Passive, 15 ranks

Used by: Wizard
Skill Description:
Increases the speed of your magic missile projectiles.
Skill Details:
Type: Precision increase
Quantity: None
Effect: Self
School: Conjuring
Resource cost: None
Cast time: None
Duration: None
Cooldown: None
Synergies: Magic Missile
Requires: N/A
Prereq of: N/A

Studies for a Wizard, in how to increase the precision of Magic Missile.

Skill DesignEdit

This mastery basically makes Magic Missiles more reliable, hopefully hitting the enemies before they move away. A slower missile will rely more on thinking ahead and just dumb luck to hit, while this skill can help you damage your opponents easier. A lost spell is a lot worse than one that has not been boosted by damage-increasing talents.

Skill Rank TableEdit

  • Rank 1: Increases speed by 8%.
  • Rank 2: Increases speed by 16%.
  • Rank 3: Increases speed by 24%.
  • Rank 4: Increases speed by 32%. (presumed)
  • Rank 5: Increases speed by 40%. (presumed)
  • Rank 6: Increases speed by 48%. (presumed)
  • Rank 7: Increases speed by 56%. (presumed)
  • Rank 8: Increases speed by 64%. (presumed)
  • Rank 9: Increases speed by 72%. (presumed)
  • Rank 10: Increases speed by 80%. (presumed)
  • Rank 11: Increases speed by 88%. (presumed)
  • Rank 12: Increases speed by 96%. (presumed)
  • Rank 13: Increases speed by 104%. (presumed)
  • Rank 14: Increases speed by 112%. (presumed)
  • Rank 15: Increases speed by 120%. (presumed)


Skill Rune EffectsEdit

  • None known.


Spell Speed was first shown at BlizzCon 2008 when the Wizard was unveiled. It was removed before the public could try the BlizzCon 2009 demo.
