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530 bytes added, 00:16, 11 September 2010
Accounts and Characters
===Accounts and Characters===
No Blizzard has not yet revealed any details have yet been released about of how Diablo III accounts and characters will be handled over The team has said that they want to cut down on [[muling]] and mule characters. They're allowing each character much more storage space, and all characters on an account will be able to exchange items easily, either through a shared [[stash]] or some other game mechanism. From this it seems likely that players will not have such a need for multiple accounts will workused just to store surplus items.
One of the few remarks yet made about Diablo 3 characters came from Jay Wilson in August 2010. [ Diablo 3 characters created over should last forever, regardless of the status of your player account. They should remain even if you uninstall the game or stop playing for a year.]
::Diablo 3 characters created over should last forever, regardless of the status of your player account. They should remain even if you uninstall the game or stop playing for a year.