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The '''structure''' of {{WikiTitle}} is important, and when making new articles, or uploading images, make sure that you add it to the right [[Help:Category|categories]]. You might also want to make sure that you are using the right [[Help:Boilerplate|boilerplate]] if one is available.
If you were looking for a complete list of categories, see:http://www.diablowiki.net/Special:Categories
If you are here for learning a bit about categories and diablowiki structure, continue.
Categories are essential to the structure of Diablowiki. A large part of what is searched in Diablowiki depends onthe use of categories. When adding pages to categories, add them in the largest yet most fitting category available.This article will help with that.
Keep in mind that the category structure is rather confusing at the moment and needs some organising, and that articles can fit into multiple categories
The structure of the category system in {{WikiTitle}} is important to be able to easily sort and navigate through articles. It's vital to make sure that your articles end up in the right category, and that your categories are sorted in to the right structure. As any article or category can belong to any article or category, some of these can exist in multiple places. That is fine, as long as the structure in itself is logical.
"(*)" Means that a category appears in more than one other superior category.
===Adding Articles to Categories===
The line used for adding pages and images to categories is [[:Category:<category name
here>]]. There should not be a need to create new categories, as plenty of them exist to cover all the topics here in Diablowiki.
If you need help with understanding where to put pages, use your best judgement. Alternatively, if you cannot decide, you can ask [[Elly]] or another dedicated editor where to put them.
== Main Category - [[:Category:Root]] ==
Remember, when adding pages to a category, punctuation and grammar matter. For example, you will not successfully put a article about witch doctors into [[:Category:Witch Doctor]] by typing [[:Category: witch doctors]].
''All categories should be added to different categories and eventually they should all link through to '''[[:Category:Root]]''', the '''main category'''.''
==Default Category:Root==
The "category to rule them all", is [[:Category:Root]]. From here is where all other categories expand from. There should not be a need to add pages to this category.
== Content Category - [[:Category:Content]] ==
''All articles with content should be added to '''[[:Category:Content]]''', the main category for content. This is the "main" category of articles in the wiki, which is supposed to be about content. Other categories are used to help provide content efficiently.''
[[:Category:Content]] is where most categories about Diablo start from. It includes all the categories that are about Diablo 3's content. Articles still do not need to be in this category, as they are covered by sub-categories.
[[:Category:Basics]] is where general descriptions of topics, such as [[Acts]], go. [[Acts]] would fit into this category, instead of into [[Category:Acts]].
=== Basics - [[:Category:Basics]] ===
* ''<span style="font-size:125%; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold;">[[:Category:Basics]]</span> - All "basics" for the Diablo game and world. Feature of {{WikiTitle}} sort of. Only add articles here (as in [[Acts]], not [[:Category:Acts]].''
[[:Category:Gameplay]] is another main category, specifically for diablo 3's gameplay. Again, it is unnecessary to put pages into this category, as most will fit into sub-categories.
=== Gameplay - [[:Category:Gameplay]] ===
* <span style="font-size:125%; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold;">[[:Category:Gameplay]]</span> - Diablo 3 specific info. <!-- Possibly make a Diablo III cat later) -->
** [[:Category:Acts]] - Diablo 3 Acts. Unknown exactly how this will be designed, so we assume Diablo II structure for now.
*** [[:Category:Act I]] - Everything to do with Act I. But keep clear from individual levels, locations and quests, or it will be too cluttered.
**** [[:Category:Act I levels]] - The levels which Acts might be divided in to. Everything related to that level. (*)
**** [[:Category:Act I locations]] - Locations only in Act I. (*)
**** [[:Category:Act I quests]] - Act I quests. (*)
*** [[:Category:Unknown Act]] - Material belonging to some act we have not yet figured out the number of.
**** [[:Category:Unknown Act levels]] - The levels which Acts might be divided in to. Everything related to that level. (*)
**** [[:Category:Unknown Act locations]] - Locations only in Act I. (*)
**** [[:Category:Unknown Act quests]] - Act I quests. (*)
** [[:Category:Locations]] - In-game and lore locations. It can be anything from "Tristram" to "The Tree of Infuss". Used only for categories. (*)
[[:Category:Classes]] is a general category for information regarding all classes. For example, a general page about [[skill runes]] would fit in this category, whereas information about [[Fury]] would belong in a class-specific section.
*** [[:Category:Game locations]] - Both a major category, and over-arching category for all locations in the game with a name. Put location articles here.
**** [[:Category:Act I locations]] - Locations only in Act I. (*)
**** [[:Category:Act II locations]] - Locations only in Act II. (*)
*** [[:Category:Levels]] - The levels which Acts might be divided in to. - NOT experience levels! Perhaps something later changed to "Zones" or something, depending on Blizzard.
**** [[:Category:Act I levels]] - Act I area levels. (*)
**** [[:Category:Act II levels]] - Act II area levels. (*)
*** [[:Category:Towns]] - Towns in game where you trade, are safe from enemies etc. Can be a small base camp or Caldeum. Possibly having "Act I Towns" later.
** [[:Category:Classes]] - Diablo Classes. (*) (primarily D3 classes)
Other special class categories include:
*** [[:Category:Barbarian]] - Barbarian articles.
**** [[:Category:Barbarian skills]] - Barbarian skills. (*)
***** [[:Category:Berserker skills]] - Skills of the Berserker tree. (*)
***** [[:Category:Juggernaut skills]] - Skills of the Juggernaut tree. (*)
***** [[:Category:Battlemaster skills]] - Skills of the Battlemaster tree. (*)
***** [[:Category:Barbarian skill archive]] - Older, unused skills (*)
*** [[:Category:Witch Doctor]] - WD articles.
**** [[:Category:Witch Doctor skills]] - WD skills. (*)
*** [[:Category:Wizard]] - Wizard articles.
**** [[:Category:Wizard skills]] - Wizard skills. (*)
*** [[:Category:Other classes]] - Classes not appearing in Diablo III. (*)
**** [[:Category:Classes (Diablo III)]] - Diablo 3 Classes (semi-unused). (*)
**** [[:Category:Classes (Diablo II)]] - Diablo 2 Classes. (*)
***** [[:Category:Amazon]] - Amazon articles.
***** [[:Category:Assassin]] - Assassin articles.
**** [[:Category:Classes (Diablo I)]] - Diablo 1 Classes. (*)
**** [[:Category:Fan classes]] - Classes made by fans. (*)
** [[:Category:Items]] - Diablo 3 Items articles.
* [[:Category:Classes (Diablo II)]] - Diablo 2 classes.
*** [[:Category:Weapons]] - Diablo 3 weapons.
* [[:Category:Fan classes]] - Fan-made classes.
*** [[:Category:Armor]] - Diablo 3 armor.
*** [[:Category:Jewelry]] - Diablo 3 jewelry (rings, amulets).
*** [[:Category:Runes]] - Diablo 3 runes.
*** [[:Category:Artefacts]] - Items, books, important enough to be called artefacts. A lore-related category. Might need namechange if Blizzard use "Artefact" as item type. (*)
** [[:Category:Monsters]] - Diablo 3 Monsters.
===Category:(Specific Classes)===
*** [[:Category:Animals]] - Type of monsters.
* [[:Category:Barbarian]] - Specific class information about Barbarians.
*** [[:Category:Demons]] - Type of monsters. Also the race of beings from Hell.(*)
** [[:Category:Barbarian Skills]] - Specific information about Barbarian skills.
*** [[:Category:Objects]] - Type of monsters.
* [[:Category:Demon Hunter]] - Specific class information about Demon Hunters.
*** [[:Category:Undead]] - Type of monsters.
** [[:Category:Demon Hunter Skills]] - Specific information about Demon Hunter skills.
*** [[:Category:Monster images]] - Images of monsters (*).
* [[:Category:Witch Doctor]] - Specific class information about Witch Doctors.
** [[:Category:Witch Doctor Skills]] - Specific information about Demon Hunter skills.
* [[:Category:Wizard]] - Specific class information about Wizards.
** [[:Category:Wizard Skills]] - Specific information about Wizard skills.
* [[:Category:Monk]] - Specific class information about Monks.
** [[:Category:Monk Skills]] - Specific information about Monk skills.
** [[:Category:Multiplayer]] - Multiplayer aspects of Diablo 3.
*** [[:Category:Battle.net]] - Information about Battle.net.
*** [[:Category:Networking]] - Information about Networking.
** [[:Category:Quests]] - Diablo 3 Quests.
[[:Category:Acts]] contains information relevant to all of Diablo 3's acts. Specific act categories contain information relevant to only one act. Even more specific categories, such as the Quests and Levels categories, contain specific information about specific quests and levels
*** [[:Category:Act I quests]] - Act I quests. (*)
in each act.
*** [[:Category:Act II quests]] - Act II quests. (*)
** [[:Category:Single Player]] - Singleplayer aspects of Diablo 3.
* [[:Category:Act I]]
** [[:Category:Act I NPCs]]
** [[:Category:Act I Quests]]
***[[:Category: Act I Events]]
** [[:Category:Act I Levels]]
* [[:Category:Act II]]
** [[:Category:Act II NPCs]]
** [[:Category:Act II Quests]]
***[[:Category: Act II Events]]
** [[:Category:Act II Levels]]
* [[:Category:Act III]]
** [[:Category:Act III NPCs]]
** [[:Category:Act III Quests]]
***[[:Category: Act III Events]]
** [[:Category:Act III Levels]]
* [[:Category:Act IV]]
** [[:Category:Act IV NPCs]]
** [[:Category:Act IV Quests]]
***[[:Category: Act IV Events]]
** [[:Category:Act IV Levels]]
* [[:Category:Act V]]
** [[:Category:Act V NPCs]]
** [[:Category:Act V Quests]]
***[[:Category: Act V Events]]
** [[:Category:Act V Levels]]
** [[:Category:Skills]] - Skills of character [[classes]].
*** [[:Category:Barbarian skills]] - Barb skills. (*)
[[:Category:Quests]] should only contain act quest sub-categories and special quests, like the [[Infernal Machine]], that cannot be bound to one
**** [[:Category:Berserker skills]] - Skills of the Berserker tree. (*)
**** [[:Category:Juggernaut skills]] - Skills of the Juggernaut tree. (*)
**** [[:Category:Battlemaster skills]] - Skills of the Battlemaster tree. (*)
**** [[:Category:Barbarian skill archive]] - Older, unused skills (*)
*** [[:Category:Witch Doctor skills]] - WD skills. (*)
** [[:Category:NPCs]] - Diablo 3 NPCs.
*** [[:Category:Character images]] - Images of characters/NPCs. (*)
[[:Category:Items]] contains general articles about items and items not covered by a sub-category. Sub-categories include:
** [[:Category:Guides]] - User-made guides for the Wiki. Guides might end up in more than one category. (*)
* [[:Category:Weapons]]
*** [[:Category:Guide books]] - Game guides. (*)
* [[:Category:Armor]]
* [[:Category:Jewelry]] (rings and amulets)
* [[:Category:Artefacts]] (lore books, special items)
** [[:Category:Reference]] - A category to collect terms of the game as a handy encyclopaedia. (*)
*** [[:Category:Statistics]] - Character [[Attributes]] and calculations.
[[:Category:Monsters]] Contains information about monsters in diablo 3 not covered by a sub-category, or contains broad information about
**** [[:Category:Character]] - Character [[Attributes]], [[Inventory]] and related topics. (*)
monsters. Some sub-categories are:
*** [[:Category:Abbreviations]] - Sub-category specifically for Abbreviations and Acronyms.
*** [[:Category:Glossary]] - Sub-category specifically for terms used in the [[Diablo game]]s, and gaming in general.
** [[:Category:Play styles]] - Lists different styles of play that are common.
* [[:Category:SuperUniques]] - General category for purple titled bosses.
* [[:Category:Objects]]
* [[:Category:Undead]]
* [[:Category:Demons]]
* [[:Category:Monster images]] - General monster images category.
=== Lore - [[:Category:Lore]] ===
* <span style="font-size:125%; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold;">[[:Category:Lore]]</span> - Articles that are not directly involved in the game. Over-arching category for [[Sanctuary]] etc.
[[:Category:Skills]] contains Diablo 3 skill information. Previously mentioned skill categories are sub-categories of this one.
** [[:Category:Characters]] - Important characters in the Diablo Universe, such as [[Diablo]], [[Deckard Cain]] and [[Tyrael]].
*** [[:Category:Character images]] - Images of characters. (*)
** [[:Category:Races]] - Listing the different sorts of races inhabiting the Diablo universe.
===Other Categories===
*** [[:Category:Angels]] - All topics relating to angels.
*** [[:Category:Deities]] - All the gods and god-like beings of [[Sanctuary]]. Deities are generally classed as both characters and deities.
*** [[:Category:Demons]] - Type of monsters. Also the race of beings from Hell. (*)
**** [[:Category:Great Evils]] - Type of demon. (*)
***** [[:Category:Prime Evils]] - The more powerful kind of Great Evil. (*)
***** [[:Category:Lesser Evils]] - The slightly less powerful kind of Great Evil. (*)
* [[:Category:NPCs]] - Diablo 3 NPC's category.
* [[:Category:Reference]] - Contains other bits of information, such as a glossary, acronyms, and statistics.
* [[:Category:Play styles]] - Various play styles developed in Diablo 3.
** [[:Category:Locations]] - In-game and lore locations. It can be anything from "Tristram" to "The Tree of Inifuss". Used only for categories. (*)
*** [[:Category:Settlements]] - Settlements of people of any kind. Hamlets, Villages, Towns and Cities.
[[:Category:Lore]] contains lore information for the diablo series. The major sub-categories are:
**** [[:Category:Caldeum]] - Category for the trade city of [[Caldeum]] and the [[Town]] Caldeum.
*** <s>[[:Category:Regions]] - Large areas in the Diablo Universe. (former: Areas)</s> (not needed I think)
*** [[:Category:Planes]] - Planes of existence, elemental, etheral or the like.
*** [[:Category:Dungeons]] - Things like caves.
*** [[:Category:Ruins]] - Lost cities, castles etc.
*** [[:Category:Worlds]] - The worlds.
**** [[:Category:Outer Realms]] - Extraplanar worlds.
***** [[:Category:Burning Hells]] - Home of the demons.
****** [[:Category:Demons]] - Type of monsters. Also the race of beings from Hell. (*)
***** [[:Category:High Heavens]] - Home of angles.
****** [[:Category:Angels]] - Angelic reatures. (*)
**** [[:Category:Sanctuary]] - The mortal realm in the Diablo universe.
***** Articles like [[Westmarch]].
***** <s>[[:Category:Sanctuary]] - Countries of the world.</s> (probably not needed)
*** [[:Category:Maps]] - All maps available for Diablo. Depicting [[Sanctuary]] and other locations. (*)
* [[:Category:Characters]] - Characters important to the Diablo story, like [[Tyrael]] and [[Deckard Cain]].
* [[:Category:Angels]]
Optional settlement structure
* [[:Category:Demons]]
**** [[:Category:Cities]] - Large cities.
* [[:Category:Factions]] - Factions in the Diablo Universe.
**** [[:Category:Hamlets]] - Few houses
**** [[:Category:Towns (settlement)]] - Small towns
**** [[:Category:Villages]] - Villages. (Might use only "town" instead, or use "village" as lore version of "town" )
** [[:Category:Factions]] - All types of factions in Sanctuary.
*** [[:Category:Religions]] - Religions, congregations and sects.
**** [[:Category:Religious terms]] - Terms used in religions.
*** [[:Category:Ethnic groups]] - The people of Sanctuary and related worlds.
**** [[:Category:Umbaru]] - Jungle race on the eastern continent.
*** [[:Category:Mage clans]] - The mage clans of [[Kehjistan]].
**** [[:Category:Vizjerei]] - A highly disciplined mage clan, once corrupted by [[Horazon]].
**** [[:Category:Yshari]] - The council of [[mage clan]]s.
**** [[:Category:Zann Esu]] - A woman-only mage clan, specializing in [[Elemental magic]].
*** [[:Category:Other groups]] - Other factions, too small to have their own category.
** [[:Category:Artefacts]] - Items, books, important enough to be called artefacts. (*)
There are several other categories in this area, but they are, for the most part, covered by articles already in these sections.
*** [[:Category:Books]] - Books of mundane or magical nature. (*)
=== Guides - [[:Category:Guides]] ===
* <span style="font-size:125%; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold;">[[:Category:Community]]</span> - User-made guides for the Wiki. Guides might end up in multiple categories.
* [[:Category:Guides]] - User-made guides for the Wiki. Guides might end up in multiple categories.
=== Community - [[:Category:Community]] ===
== Category:Community==
* <span style="font-size:125%; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold;">[[:Category:Community]]</span> - Articles relating too the community or made by it.
[[:Category:Community]] Contains community-related articles/categories.
** [[:Category:Fansites]] - Diablo fansites' own category.
** [[:Category:Fansites]] - Diablo fansites' own category.
*** [[:Category:Diii.net]] - All articles relating to Diii.net.
*** [[:Category:Diii.net]] - All articles relating to Diii.net.
**** [[:Category:Diii.net images]] - Images for or about Diii.net. (*)
**** [[:Category:Diii.net images]] - Images for or about Diii.net.
** [[:Category:Guilds]] - Listing of guilds.
** [[:Category:Guilds]] - Listing of guilds.
** [[:Category:Users]] - Listing of wiki users.
** [[:Category:Users]] - Listing of wiki users.
** [[:Category:Trivia]] - Fun facts, easter eggs etc.
** [[:Category:Trivia]] - Fun facts, easter eggs etc.
** [[:Category:Diablo lingo]] - Expressions and concepts that are common for Diablo.
** [[:Category:Diablo lingo]] - Expressions and concepts that are common for Diablo.
** [[:Category:Reference]] - A category to collect terms of the game as a handy encyclopaedia. (*)
** [[:Category:Reference]] - A category to collect terms of the game as a handy encyclopaedia.
*** [[:Category:Abbreviations and Acronyms]] - Sub category specifically for Abbreviations and Acronyms.
*** [[:Category:Abbreviations and Acronyms]] - Sub category specifically for Abbreviations and Acronyms.
** [[:Category:Blizzard]] - Articles with information about Blizzard and Blizzard employees.
** [[:Category:Blizzard]] - Articles with information about Blizzard and Blizzard employees.
*** [[:Category:BlizzCon]] - Articles about BlizzCons. (*)
*** [[:Category:BlizzCon]] - Articles about BlizzCons.  
*** [[:Category:WWI]] - Articles about WWIs. (*)
*** [[:Category:WWI]] - Articles about WWIs.  
*** [[:Category:BlizzCast]] - [[BlizzCast]]-related articles. (*)
*** [[:Category:BlizzCast]] - [[BlizzCast]]-related articles.  
** [[:Category:Fan-made]] - Articles and other content made by fans. Non-canon.
** [[:Category:Fan-made]] - Articles and other content made by fans. Non-canon.
*** [[:Category:Fan art]] - Everything related to fan art.
*** [[:Category:Fan art]] - Everything related to fan art.
**** [[:Category:Fan art images]] - Fan art images. (*)
**** [[:Category:Fan art images]] - Fan art images.  
*** [[:Category:Fan fiction]] - Everything related to fan fiction.
*** [[:Category:Fan fiction]] - Everything related to fan fiction.
*** [[:Category:Fan classes]] - Classes made by fans. (*)
*** [[:Category:Fan classes]] - Classes made by fans.  
** [[:Category:Merchandise]] - All types of Diablo-related merchandise should go here.
** [[:Category:Merchandise]] - All types of Diablo-related merchandise should go here.
** [[:Category:Speculation]] - Speculation about things involving the games.
** [[:Category:Speculation]] - Speculation about things involving the games.
** [[:Category:People]] - Articles with information about important figures in the Diablo Community.
** [[:Category:People]] - Articles with information about important figures in the Diablo Community.
*** [[:Category:Modders]] - List of individuals who make Diablo mods.
** [[:Category:Mods]] - Articles about diablo [[mod]]s.
<!-- Make a "Dictionary" category for "Diablo lingo" and "Game terms"?-->
<!-- Make a "Dictionary" category for "Diablo lingo" and "Game terms"?-->
=== Games - [[:Category:Games]] ===
* <span style="font-size:125%; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold;">[[:Category:Games]]</span> - Articles relating to other games.
[[:Category:Games]] Has general articles about the various diablo games.
** [[:Category:Diablo I]] - D1 + exp.
** [[:Category:Diablo I]] - D1 + exp.
*** [[:Category:Diablo I dialogues]] - Articles with Diablo I dialogues. (*)
*** [[:Category:Diablo I dialogues]] - Articles with Diablo I dialogues. (*)
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*** [[:Category:Diablo II dialogues]] - Articles with Diablo I dialogues. (*)
*** [[:Category:Diablo II dialogues]] - Articles with Diablo I dialogues. (*)
** [[:Category:Diablo III]] - D3
** [[:Category:Diablo III]] - D3
*** [[:Category:Diablo I dialogues]] - Articles with Diablo I dialogues. (*)
*** [[:Category:Diablo IIII dialogues]] - Articles with Diablo I dialogues. (*)
*** [[:Category:Diablo III images]] - D3 images. (*)
*** [[:Category:Diablo III images]] - D3 images. (*)
*** [[:Category:Classes]] - Diablo 3 Classes. (*)
*** [[:Category:Classes]] - Diablo 3 Classes. (*)
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== Sources - [[:Category:Sources]] ==
== Sources - [[:Category:Sources]] ==
* <span style="font-size:125%; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold;">[[:Category:Sources]]</span> - ''All types of Diablo information sources. Games, books, graphic novels, or similar products should be added to '''[[:Category:Sources]]''', the main sources category.''
''[[:Category:Sources]] has All types of Diablo information sources. Games, books, graphic novels, or similar products should be added to '''[[:Category:Sources]]''', the main sources category.''
* [[:Category:Archives]] - Category for all old articles saved for archiving purposes.
* [[:Category:Archives]] - Category for all old articles saved for archiving purposes.
** [[:Category:Barbarian skill archive]] - Older, unused skills (*)
** [[:Category:Barbarian skill archive]] - Older, unused skills  
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** [[:Category:Roleplaying books]] - Diablo RPG books.
** [[:Category:Roleplaying books]] - Diablo RPG books.
** [[:Category:Novels]] - Diablo Novels.
** [[:Category:Novels]] - Diablo Novels.
** [[:Category:Art books]] - Diablo art.
** [[:Category:Guide books]] - Game guides. (*)
** [[:Category:Comic books]] - Diablo comics. (make sure to mention mangas)
** [[:Category:Mangas]] - Diablo manga.
* [[:Category:Speculation]] - Speculation.
* [[:Category:Game dialogues]] - Dialogues transcripted from the games.
* [[:Category:Game dialogues]] - Dialogues transcripted from the games.
** [[:Category:Diablo II dialogues]] - Articles with Diablo II dialogues go here. (*)
** [[:Category:Diablo II dialogues]] - Articles with Diablo II dialogues go here.  
** [[:Category:Diablo I dialougues]] - Same as above, yet for Diablo I.
* [[:Category:Controversies]] - Controversies.
* [[:Category:Controversies]] - Controversies in diablo.
* [[:Category:Media Coverage]] - Media Coverage.
* [[:Category:Media Coverage]] - Media Coverage.
** [[:Category:Events]] - BlizzCons, WWIs and other events.
** [[:Category:Events]] - BlizzCons, WWIs and other events.
*** [[:Category:BlizzCon]] - Articles about BlizzCons. (*)
*** [[:Category:BlizzCon]] - Articles about BlizzCons.  
**** [[:Category:BlizzCon images]] - Images from BlizzCons. (*)
**** [[:Category:BlizzCon images]] - Images from BlizzCons.
*** [[:Category:WWI]] - Articles about WWIs. (*)
*** [[:Category:WWI]] - Articles about WWIs.  
**** [[:Category:WWI images]] - Images from WWI's. (*)
**** [[:Category:WWI images]] - Images from WWI's.  
*** [[:Category:BlizzPress]] - Articles about Blizzard press releases, updates and other, smaller events. (*)
*** [[:Category:BlizzPress]] - Articles about Blizzard press releases, updates and other, smaller events.
*** [[:Category:BlizzCast]] - [[BlizzCast]]-related articles. (*)
*** [[:Category:BlizzCast]] - [[BlizzCast]]-related articles.  
** [[:Category:Media Coverage Templates]] - Templates used specifically in the [[Media coverage]] article. (*)
** [[:Category:Media Coverage Templates]] - Templates used specifically in the [[Media coverage]] articles.  
* [[:Category:Manuals]] - Manuals from the Diablo games.
* [[:Category:Manuals]] - Manuals from the Diablo games.
== DiabloWiki - [[:Category:DiabloWiki]] ==
''All articles used by DiabloWiki or its contributors should be added to '''[[:Category:DiabloWiki]]''', the main DiabloWiki category.''
''All articles used by DiabloWiki or its contributors should be added to '''[[:Category:DiabloWiki]]''', the main DiabloWiki category.''
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* [[:Category:Help]] - Help pages sorted.
* [[:Category:Help]] - Help pages sorted.
* [[:Category:Main Page]] - All pages related to [[Main Page]].
* [[:Category:Main Page]] - All pages related to [[Main Page]].
** [[:Category:Featured articles]] - A category of articles of higher value, featured on main page. (*)
** [[:Category:Featured articles]] - A category of articles of higher value, featured on main page.  
* [[:Category:Templates]] - Templates sorted.
* [[:Category:Templates]] - Templates sorted.
** [[:Category:DiabloWiki templates]] - Templates used for/by {{WikiTitle}}.
** [[:Category:DiabloWiki templates]] - Templates used for/by {{WikiTitle}}.
** [[:Category:Featured templates]] - Templates of [[Featured]] articles. (*)
** [[:Category:Featured templates]] - Templates of [[Featured]] articles.
** [[:Category:Formatting templates]] - Templates used for/by {{WikiTitle}} formatting
** [[:Category:Formatting templates]] - Templates used for/by {{WikiTitle}} formatting
*** [[:Category:Media Coverage Templates]] - Templates used specifically in the [[Media coverage]] article. (*)
*** [[:Category:Media Coverage Templates]] - Templates used specifically in the [[Media coverage]] article.  
** [[:Category:Infoboxes]] - Templates used to give information in an article.
** [[:Category:Infoboxes]] - Templates used to give information in an article.
** [[:Category:Navboxes]] - Templates used to give navigation in an article.
** [[:Category:Navboxes]] - Templates used to give navigation in an article.
* [[:Category:Stubs]] - Articles to clean up or evolve.
* [[:Category:Stubs]] - Articles to clean up or evolve.
** [[:Category:Images to clean up]] - Images up for replacement. (*)
** [[:Category:Images to clean up]] - Images up for replacement.  
* [[:Category:Delete]] - Articles, categories, templates etc that need to be deleted.
* [[:Category:Delete]] - Articles, categories, templates etc that need to be deleted.
* [[:Category:Featured articles]] - A category of articles of higher value, featured on main page. (*)
* [[:Category:Featured articles]] - A category of articles of higher value, featured on main page.  
** [[:Category:Featured templates]] - Templates of [[Featured]] articles. (*)
** [[:Category:Featured templates]] - Templates of [[Featured]] articles.
== Images - [[:Category:Images]] ==
== Images - [[:Category:Images]] ==

Latest revision as of 00:27, 8 December 2013

If you were looking for a complete list of categories, see:http://www.diablowiki.net/Special:Categories If you are here for learning a bit about categories and diablowiki structure, continue.

Structure[edit source | edit source]

Categories are essential to the structure of Diablowiki. A large part of what is searched in Diablowiki depends onthe use of categories. When adding pages to categories, add them in the largest yet most fitting category available.This article will help with that.

Keep in mind that the category structure is rather confusing at the moment and needs some organising, and that articles can fit into multiple categories

Adding Articles to Categories[edit source | edit source]

The line used for adding pages and images to categories is [[:Category:<category name here>]]. There should not be a need to create new categories, as plenty of them exist to cover all the topics here in Diablowiki.

If you need help with understanding where to put pages, use your best judgement. Alternatively, if you cannot decide, you can ask Elly or another dedicated editor where to put them.

Remember, when adding pages to a category, punctuation and grammar matter. For example, you will not successfully put a article about witch doctors into Category:Witch Doctor by typing Category: witch doctors.

Default Category:Root[edit source | edit source]

The "category to rule them all", is Category:Root. From here is where all other categories expand from. There should not be a need to add pages to this category.

Category:Content[edit source | edit source]

Category:Content is where most categories about Diablo start from. It includes all the categories that are about Diablo 3's content. Articles still do not need to be in this category, as they are covered by sub-categories.

Category:Basics[edit source | edit source]

Category:Basics is where general descriptions of topics, such as Acts, go. Acts would fit into this category, instead of into.

Category:Gameplay[edit source | edit source]

Category:Gameplay is another main category, specifically for diablo 3's gameplay. Again, it is unnecessary to put pages into this category, as most will fit into sub-categories.

Category:Classes[edit source | edit source]

Category:Classes is a general category for information regarding all classes. For example, a general page about skill runes would fit in this category, whereas information about Fury would belong in a class-specific section.

Other special class categories include:

Category:(Specific Classes)[edit source | edit source]

Category:Acts[edit source | edit source]

Category:Acts contains information relevant to all of Diablo 3's acts. Specific act categories contain information relevant to only one act. Even more specific categories, such as the Quests and Levels categories, contain specific information about specific quests and levels in each act.

Category:Quests[edit source | edit source]

Category:Quests should only contain act quest sub-categories and special quests, like the Infernal Machine, that cannot be bound to one act.

Category:Items[edit source | edit source]

Category:Items contains general articles about items and items not covered by a sub-category. Sub-categories include:

Category:Monsters[edit source | edit source]

Category:Monsters Contains information about monsters in diablo 3 not covered by a sub-category, or contains broad information about monsters. Some sub-categories are:

Category:Skills[edit source | edit source]

Category:Skills contains Diablo 3 skill information. Previously mentioned skill categories are sub-categories of this one.

Other Categories[edit source | edit source]

Category:Lore[edit source | edit source]

Category:Lore contains lore information for the diablo series. The major sub-categories are:

There are several other categories in this area, but they are, for the most part, covered by articles already in these sections.

Category:Guides[edit source | edit source]

  • Category:Guides - User-made guides for the Wiki. Guides might end up in multiple categories.

Category:Community[edit source | edit source]

Category:Community Contains community-related articles/categories.

Category:Games[edit source | edit source]

Category:Games Has general articles about the various diablo games.

Sources - Category:Sources[edit source | edit source]

Category:Sources has All types of Diablo information sources. Games, books, graphic novels, or similar products should be added to Category:Sources, the main sources category.

Category:DiabloWiki[edit source | edit source]

All articles used by DiabloWiki or its contributors should be added to Category:DiabloWiki, the main DiabloWiki category.

Images - Category:Images[edit source | edit source]

All image categories should be added to Category:Images, the main image category.

Some of these categories might go unused for a long time, but if the need arises, use these.

Final Words[edit source | edit source]

Adding a few final words here.

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