Natural Leader

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All traits were removed from the game prior to the press event of July 2011. These are archived for future curiosity and reference. This page is not to be updated with current info; see the skills page for current skill information.

Natural Leader is a trait possessed by the Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, and Wizard. It's not yet known what this trait does.

Natural Leader Properties[edit | edit source]

Natural Leader

  • Clvl Req:
    • Barbarian: 11
    • Monk: 35
    • Witch Doctor: 27
    • Wizard: 39
  • Description: Unknown.
  • Max points: 3
    • Rank One: Unknown.
    • Rank Two: Unknown.
    • Rank Three: Unknown.
  • Lore: Not yet known.

An oddity, since we know that four characters have this one (and suspect that the Demon Hunter will also) and yet no one noted what the trait actually does, when it was first seen at Blizzcon 2010.

Classes[edit | edit source]

This is a Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, and Wizard trait. It's quite likely the Demon Hunter will have it as well, as development continues.

Synergies[edit | edit source]

None known.