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Zombie Charger

Revision as of 19:20, 28 August 2009 by DxAxxxTyriel (talk | contribs)
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Zombie Charger is a tier II skill in the Zombie Skill Tree, which summons a reckless zombie from the ground to do the Witch Doctor's bidding.



Diablo III Skill [e]
Diablo III Logo.jpg
Zombie Charger

Active, 5 ranks

Used by: Witch Doctor
Skill Description:
Summon a reckless zombie from the ground to assault your enemies
Skill Details:
Type: Summon
Quantity: Cast
Effect: Target
School: Magical
Mana cost: 12 mana
Cast time: Unknown
Duration: None
Cooldown: Unknown
Synergies: Unknown
Requires: N/A
Prereq of: N/A

The Witch Doctor summons forth a zombie that charges at its enemies, knocking down any one in its way.

Skill Design

It is not known what kind of zombie is summoned, as during the demo, this skill had the words "Not Yet Implemented" written on it. Perhaps this zombie will charge in and suicide or will be a big hulking monstrosity that is good at tanking. Speculate at your own risk.

Skill Rank Table

(legend (A) = Assumed)

  • Rank: 1/5
    • Summon a reckless zombie from the ground to assault your enemies.
    • Health Cost: Unknown
  • Rank: 2/5
    • Summon a reckless zombie from the ground to assault your enemies.
    • Health Cost: Unknown
  • Rank: 3/5
    • Summon a reckless zombie from the ground to assault your enemies.
    • Health Cost: Unknown
  • Rank: 4/5
    • Summon a reckless zombie from the ground to assault your enemies.
    • Health Cost: Unknown
  • Rank: 5/5
    • Summon a reckless zombie from the ground to assault your enemies.
    • Health Cost: Unknown


  • None known.

Skill Rune Effects

  • None known.


Zombie Charger was first seen in the BlizzCon 2009 demo, and is a new skill. It is unknown if this skill was iterated, at least publicly.


You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery. Sadly, no images of Zombie Charger have been seen:

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