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Kevin Martens

Revision as of 14:22, 9 January 2011 by Varquynne (talk | contribs)

Kevin Martens is the Lead Content Artist of the D3 Team, and a Blizzard employee.



Before coming to Blizzard, Kevin worked for RPG juggernaut BioWare. He had major roles in the development of many iconic games, such as Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, and Jade Empire.[1]


Kevin has not been an overly public figure, but Diablo: IncGamers did caught up with him and Julian Love during BlizzCon 2009 for an interview. [2] They discussed the Monk, randomness, bosses, acts and much more.

Game Credits

  • 1999 - Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast, BioWare, Senior Designer
  • 2000 - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, BioWare, Co-Lead Designer
  • 2000 - MDK2, BioWare, Story Development
  • 2001 - Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, BioWare, Lead Designer
  • 2002 - Neverwinter Nights, BioWare, Senior Designer
  • 2003 - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, BioWare, Special thanks
  • 2005 - Jade Empire, BioWare, Lead Designer
  • 2007 - Mass Effect, BioWare, Additional Design
  • 2009 - Dragon Age: Origins, BioWare, Senior Design Consultant
