Messerschmidt's Reaver
Messerschmidt's Reaver is a two-handed legendary axe. It has no special legendary property, and like most two-handed weapons in Reaper of Souls, it is most often used by Crusaders.
Item StatsEdit
Like all sub-level 70 items in Reaper of Souls, the base stats are meaningless since the values scale up to the level of the character who finds it. See the sample screenshots below to view authentic level 70 versions of this item.
Messerschmidt's Reaver: Legendary axe
This mighty weapon once hewed its way through the demon-infested catacombs beneath the old Zakarum cathedral in Tristram. Could it be the weapon the warrior Aidan used to defeat Diablo all those years ago? |
Level 70 ExamplesEdit
Samples of level 70 versions of this item can be seen below, courtesy of the DiabloNut armory. More samples here.
Diablo 3 VanillaEdit
Like almost all sub-level 60 legendaries, this item was of no use in the end game and was seldom seen in Diablo 3 vanilla.
Diablo HistoryEdit
This item was introduced in Diablo 1, as one of the few Unique items in that game. It returned in Diablo 2 as well.
The axe on a Barbarian.
Cleaving and reaving.
On a Witch Doctor.
On a Wizard.
On a Monk.
Items of Diablo III [e] Item Basics Normal Items Crafting Legendary Armor I Legendary Armor II Legendary Weapons 1h Legendary Weapons 2h Item Sets |