Stolen Ring

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Stolen Ring.

Stolen Ring is a legendary ring that can be found in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. This item can be found and equipped by any class.

The Smart Drop system ensures that this ring will usually roll with the mainstat appropriate to the class that finds it. Rings are considered an offensive item, and most players insist upon bonuses to Critical hit Chance and/or Critical hit Damage, while seeking mainstat as well.

Stolen Ring properties[edit | edit source]

This item does not have a legendary affix and the inherent bonuses are only interesting in the secondary stats, where pickup radius and gold find both feature. With mainstat + 3 random primary affixes, this one is almost entirely luck of the draw.

  • All stats listed in the database scale up to the level of this item when dropped.
  • See the sample screenshots below to see how this item will roll at level 70.

Stolen Ring: Legendary ring

  • Minimum Item Level: 11
  • Minimum Clvl Req: 8

Primary Affixes:

  • One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)
    • +18–23 Dexterity
    • +18–23 Strength
    • +18–23 Intelligence
  • +3 random primary affixes

Secondary Affixes:

  • One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
    • +5–8% Extra Gold from Monsters
    • +9–10% Extra Gold from Monsters
  • Increases Gold and Health Pickup by 1–2 Yards.
  • Legendary Affix: None.

"I could not believe my own good fortune, from the moment I found
the ring abandoned on the forest trail until the time it was
stolen from my quarters in Caldeum." —Covetous Shen

Salvages into:

Item Examples[edit | edit source]

Several examples of this item equipped on level 70 characters can be seen below. View hundreds more samples of the Stolen Ring via DiabloNut's armory.
