Maloth's Focus

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Maloth's Focus.

Maloth's Focus is a legendary staff that can be found in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. This item can be found and equipped by any class. This item can be found by any class, but will only smart roll and staves can only be equipped by Monks, Wizards, and Witch Doctors.

The Smart Drop system ensures that this weapon will usually roll with the mainstat appropriate to the class that finds it.

Maloth's Focus properties

This item has a defensive legendary affix that occasionally causes a proc to occur on the user, which causes nearby enemies to be feared. The effect occurs every 15 seconds, and all enemies within about 25 yards are feared for 2-3 seconds. The same monster can not be scared twice.

  • All stats listed in the database scale up to the level of this item when dropped.
  • See the sample screenshots below to see how this item will roll at level 70.

Maloth's Focus: Legendary staff

  • Minimum Item Level: 50

Item stats at level 70:

  • 3010.2–3362.2 DPS
  • (2333-2595) - (3140-3518) Damage
  • 1.10 Attacks per Second

Primary Attributes

  • +(1177-1439)-(1410-1788) Fire Damage
  • One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)
    • +(946-1125) Dexterity
    • +(946-1125) Intelligence
  • +2 random primary affixes

Secondary Affixes:

  • +1 random secondary affix
  • Enemies occasionally flee at the sight of this staff.

Used as a focal point for Maloth's fearsome power. It took an army
to pry it from his hands.

Salvages into:

Item Examples

Several examples of this item equipped on level 70 characters can be seen below. View hundreds more samples of the Maloth's Focus via DiabloNut's armory.

