A Stash is a chest where a player can store items. It is an important function in the Diablo franchise, since collecting items is an essential part of each game. Characters can access their stashes from towns and cities in game, and the stash is shared between all of the characters in the account, unlike in Diablo II where each character had their own individual stash.
Note that Hardcore characters do not share a stash with softcore characters, nor can they trade between each other.
Number of Stash Tabs[edit | edit source]
The Stash is divided into "tabs" each of which displays a full page of empty stash space. Only the top couple of rows of stash space are available to a new account (or at the start of a season) and players must purchase more rows in the first Tab, then buy additional tabs via in-game gold.
- Diablo 3 launched with four stash tabs, which players unlocked by purchasing them with in-game gold.
- A fifth stash tab was added in Patch 2.1 in August 2014, Reaper of Souls only.
- A sixth tab was added in Patch 2.4.0, purchasable for 500,000 gold.
- The 7-10th tabs were added as a reward for working through the Season Journey starting in Season Five, at the rate of one tab per season.
- In Season Five players had to work through the Conqueror level in the Seasonal Journey to earn a tab. Requirements may change in future seasons.
- Only one additional tab can be earned each season, and if players skip a season, they will only earn one (not two or more) picking back up a season or two later.
Inadequate Storage Space Complaints[edit | edit source]
One of the biggest and longest-running complaints of many players is that the game does not provide adequate stash space. These complaints have only intensified over time, especially into the Reaper of Souls era, as each patch added additional top quality items, more viable builds, and a general increase in variety and quality of gear, causing players to want to store more and more of it for possible later use.
An August 2014 vote measured fan opinion and came back with a clear answer:[1]
How do you feel about stash space in Reaper of Souls?
- 1) I need WAY more stash space. This is one of the game's worst problems. (58%, 950 Votes)
- 2) I'd like more space, but it's not a huge deal. (31%, 515 Votes)
- 3) The current stash space is okay. (5%, 84 Votes)
- 4) There's more than enough space for people who aren't total pack rats. (5%, 76 Votes)
- 5) No opinion/not sure. (1%, 10 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,635
Chinese Diablo 3: Stash for Cash[edit | edit source]
In October of 2014 Josh Mosqueira commented on selling more stash space without giving a yes or no answer.[2]
In February 2015 Blizzard announced[3] that the upcoming release of Diablo 3 in China would be a free to play game, funded via microtransactions. These would allow games to purchase powerups to boost experience and gold and item finding, as well as "stash for cash," the option for players to buy more inventory space for money.
The full details of this system were not revealed until May 2015[4] when the Diablo 3 beta test got underway in China, and when the details were known... fans in the US and Europe were actually quite supportive. Envious, even, with many voting that they'd like to see that system come to their home regions.
More Tabs from Seasonal Journey[edit | edit source]
Blizzard avoided answering the stash space issue until finally in late 2015 they revealed that the next patch (Patch 2.4) would add an additional sixth stash tab for everyone, and that each season after that would give players the chance to earn another stash tab via the Season Journey. [5]
Once this feature went live in Patch 2.4 in early 2016, fans immediately clamored that it wasn't enough additional space, and that the requirements to earn the tab in the Season Journey were too steep, especially for non-Seasonal players.[6]
[edit | edit source]
The reason for the development team adding in a shared stash is to prevent characters from muling in drop games, where the servers may drop a player from a game, items may disappear, or a host of other issues. Put simply, it was not at all convenient or safe to trade items between characters on an account. Hence, the shared stash.
The stash is natively "unlocked" for the player. It doesn't have to be unlocked via a quest like the Cauldron of Jordan or the Nephalem Cube were. It is available as soon as the player enters New Tristram.
Upgrading the Stash[edit | edit source]

The stash is considered a gold sink. The player begins with 7x2 (14 squares) of inventory space, which is equivalent to seven pieces of larger gear, or items which only take up one inventory space, such as amulets, or scrolls.
The stash can be upgraded in 4 increments of 14 squares. Each set of two rows costs 10,000 gold each. After the player has maxed out the first page of the stash, they will be able to purchase an entirely new tab for a substantial gold cost. The tab begins the same as the natural stash: 7x2, and can be upgraded further, up to a grand total of 210 inventory squares. The total amounts per tab have been calculated during the Diablo III Beta test [1] and are shown in a table below.
Customizing the Stash Tabs[edit | edit source]
A little known feature has been in the game since launch, where players can right click on a stash tab and then select from a variety of icons to replace the default
Hardcore Death & The Stash[edit | edit source]
Hardcore characters do not have access to nor can trade with any softcore characters on the same account. If a Hardcore character dies any items they have placed in the shared stash will not be lost. All items on their person and inventory will however be lost with the character when it dies.[2]
Previous Development[edit | edit source]
For archival purposes information on the evolution of the stashs' development is preserved below.
January 2012[edit | edit source]
In Beta Patch 10 the number of tabs was reduced from 5 to 3.[3]
Diablo III has both the benefit and disadvantage of having completely random items. Pretty much everything can roll up different affixes, if not a range of its benefits. That's obviously great because the item hunt is what it's all about, more randomization means you can keep chasing that perfect item, but that means the amount of data needed to describe an item is much, much larger than say, a World of Warcraft item, which is static and only needs a unique number to identify it.
A Diablo III item first has to say the base item, then each individual affix that it rolled up, then the ranges of each variable, and if it has any sockets. And we have to think about everywhere an item can be, an item on the ground is still an item, and so is an item on the auction house.
We obviously have room to grow if our projections are incorrect, or we just find that we eventually have the space. World of Warcraft definitely grew over the years, and that storage space didn't appear out of nowhere (although it does seem rather magical at times). We find three tabs to be plenty for at least the initial release of the game though. Not counting the items you're wearing (assuming they're the best you have), and assuming worst case scenario of nothing but 2-slot items, you'd be able to hold 405 swords per region. That's a lot. We don't expect people to be storing 405 swords... hopefully ever, because that might indicate you have an obsession with swords, but at the very least there should be enough storage to start and then we can continue to evaluate as we go.An additional feature, which was a pleasant surprise to some, was the ability to select which class to view the stash as. Selecting a different class made the armor items appear different: each class has their own unique icons for armor. This also disappeared between Beta Patch 9 and Beta Patch 10. In the left image above the 'Appearance' tab can be seen and in the right hand image from January 2012 it has gone.
January 2011[edit | edit source]
Shared stashes are confirmed as in the game and working, by an @Diablo tweet. [4]
October 2010[edit | edit source]
In Blizzcon 2010's D3 Open Q&A Panel, RichterLocke from DiabloWiki asked if the D3 development team had decided whether or not to implement a shared stash. After some hesitation, Jay Wilson finally confirmed it: "Yes, and that's Blizzcon-exclusive by the way."
August 2010[edit | edit source]
Jay Wilson spoke again about the shared stash at Gamescom in August, 2010. [5]
Also from Gamescom, Jay described the stash getting larger over the course of the game. [6]
July 2010[edit | edit source]
The system remained undeveloped nearly two years later, as Bashiok explained in a forum post in July 2010. [7]
August 2008[edit | edit source]
Finding and collecting items is a big part of the Diablo franchise, but storing and transferring those items has not always been easy. Jay Wilson spoke to this problem in BlizzCast Episode 5, August 2008. [8]
'''Bashiok:''' so in other words, I won’t have to worry about my game closing after...
'''Jay Wilson: '''No, no more opening up a game, dropping items on the ground, and you know, hoping that the game stays open or getting a friend to help out, no more of that. You should be able to do it on your own.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Got an Extra Million Gold Lying Around? - IncGamers Forum, 27-12-2011
- ↑ Hardcore and stash - Blizzard, 19/10/11
- ↑ Reduction of Stash Tabs - Blizzard, 1/2/2012
- ↑ Stash Tweet - Blizzard 12/01/11
- ↑ Jay Wilson Interview @ G4TV - Jay Wilson, Blizzard 28/08/10
- ↑ Jay Wilson Interview @ PC - Jay Wilson, Blizzard 20/08/11
- ↑ Shared Stash Still Just a Dream - Blizzard, 14/07/10
- ↑ BlizzCast Episode 5 - Jay Wilson, Blizzard, 28/08/08
Items of Diablo III [e] Item Basics Normal Items Crafting Legendary Armor I Legendary Armor II Legendary Weapons 1h Legendary Weapons 2h Item Sets |