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Ageless Might

Ageless Might.

Ageless Might is a legendary mighty belt that can be found in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. This item can only be worn by the Barbarian and will very seldom be found by any other class.

The Smart Drop system ensures that this belt will usually roll with Strength, and never with Dexterity or Intelligence.

Ageless Might statsEdit

The belt has no legendary affix, but inherent primary affixes to All Res and Vitality. The Secondary Affixes are interesting, with both inherent bonuses that reduce damage from melee attacks, while also dealing thorns damage to melee attackers.

  • All stats listed in the database scale up to the level of the belt when dropped.
  • See the sample screenshots below to see how this belt will roll at level 70.

Ageless Might: Legendary Mighty Belt

  • Minimum Item Level: 60

Primary Affixes:

  • One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
    • +81–85 Resistance to All Elements
    • +41–50 Resistance to All Elements
  • One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
    • +220–349 Vitality
    • +72–77 Vitality
  • +2 Random Primary Affixes

Secondary Affixes:

  • One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
    • Ranged and melee attackers take 316–464 damage per hit
    • Ranged and melee attackers take 552–811 damage per hit
  • One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
    • Reduces damage from melee attacks by 4.0%
    • Reduces damage from melee attacks by 3.0–4.0%
  • Legendary Affix: None.

Crafted during the time of the ancients and passed down from chieftain to chieftain since, this belt is a symbol of power among the barbarian tribes.

Salvages into:

Item ExamplesEdit

Several examples of this item can be seen below. View more samples of the Ageless Might via DiabloNut's armory.
