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Maniac is a rune effect in Frenzy, a Fury-generating Barbarian skill.

This rune effect increases the Barbarian's damage by 4% with each strike of Frenzy. This is not a general buff -- unlike the Punish rune effect in Bash -- the 4% damage does not apply to other skills. Only to the hits with Frenzy. As Frenzy is already the highest DPS Barbarian skill to a single target, this rune is very effective to chew the life off of large targets.

Skill Rune EffectsEdit

See the Frenzy rune effects article for thorough descriptions of all the rune effects in Frenzy, including screenshots, videos, and strategy tips.

Name Level Description

<skill class="Barbarian">Frenzy</skill> <skill class="Barbarian" rune="Maniac">Frenzy</skill>


Screenshots and videos will be added post-release.


Prior to the February 2012 skill and rune system overhaul, this effect was created by the Crimson Rune, which granted the following effect:



Each Frenzy effect also increases your damage by 24%.