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Reclamation is a rune effect in Mantra of Conviction, a Mantra-type Monk skill.

This rune effect grants a 30% chance to heal the Monk and his allies when they land successful melee attacks.

Skill Rune Effects[edit | edit source]

See the Mantra of Conviction rune effects article for thorough coverage of all the rune effects in this skill, including screenshots, videos, and strategy tips.

Name Level Description

<skill subcat="Mantras" class="Monk">Mantra of Conviction</skill> <skill class="Monk" rune="Reclamation">Mantra of Conviction</skill>

Media[edit | edit source]

Screenshots and videos will be added post-release.

Development[edit | edit source]

Prior to the February 2012 skill and rune system reworking, this rune effect was granted by the Golden Rune, which created the following effect:



You and your allies have a 75% chance to be healed for 958-1064 Life when striking an enemy under the effects of Mantra of Conviction.